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Bilt: Putin doesn’t like Lukashenko and doesn’t trust the Belarusian

Although Russian President Vladimir Putin would like to take Belarus under his control, it may be very difficult for Russia to implement, as Belarus is gradually moving in the same direction as Ukraine, the former prime minister and foreign minister of Sweden. , Co -Lo said the president of the European Council for Foreign Affairs Karl Bilt in an interview with the LETA agency.

“Belarus is not a Western country, but it is not Russia at all. Belarusians are increasingly aware of their national identity, traditions and history. I think Belarus is changing in this direction, similar to what happened in Ukraine, but not. so deeply. I think Russia should have a hard time imposing your control over it, “said the co-chair of the European Foreign Affairs Council.

Bilt pointed out that Western countries have been trying to support the opposition in Belarus for many years and continue to do so.

“We have done a lot. We have helped the media a lot, supported educational programs. The whole generation of young Belarusian leaders is well educated in the West. However, our opportunities are limited. But we must continue to support the democratic opposition, because over time also [Baltkrievijas prezidenta Aleksandra] Lukashenko’s regime will just have to fall and then we will need people who are ready to take over the leadership of the country. And they are ready: I ​​have great thoughts on the quality of Belarusian political leadership, “the Swedish international relations veteran said in an interview at the Riga conference.

He recalled that Putin does not like Lukashenko and does not trust the Belarusian, and this has been the case for many years.

“I’ve been to Moscow for [Krievijas iepriekšējā prezidenta Borisa] Yeltsin’s funeral. People were in groups: there were Putin and other Russian leaders, some foreigners and others. At some point Lukashenko arrived, who immediately left and stood among the Russian leaders. And then the Russians ordered the guards to drive him out, they took Lukashenko to the leaders of the countries of Central Asia. He was anything but popular, “Bilt said.

He also noted that the fact that the European Union (EU) has recognized Ukraine as a candidate country gives good hope for Ukraine’s future. “They expressed a desire to become a candidate country and the EU said yes. Of course, the process itself will take time. The important thing is that they are on the path to European modernization and democratization,” said the politician.

He stressed that we must now help Ukraine as much as possible to create a functioning democratic society and ensure the security of Ukraine, because even after the war, the security of Ukraine will be a rather sensitive issue.

The former Swedish prime minister also expressed his belief that European unity in basic matters will prevail until Putin’s downfall. “Of course, there may be nuances, but I don’t think anyone sees a way back for relations with Putin or, for example, [ārlietu ministru Sergeju] Lavrov. It is very difficult to imagine that Europe will ever sit at the same table with them again. We sit at the same table with Russia, yes, but not with any of them, “Bilt said.

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