Home » today » News » Bills, the government is studying a solidarity contribution against the rises: stop the tax cut for incomes above 75 thousand euros

Bills, the government is studying a solidarity contribution against the rises: stop the tax cut for incomes above 75 thousand euros

MILANO – The government is thinking of a solidarity contribution to at least partially sterilize the cost increases bills energetic. This is what the premie would have announcedr Mario Draghi in the control room at Palazzo Chigi on the maneuver. According to what is learned from government sources, the intervention is still under study and to be defined in detail. The contribution would concern those who earn more than 75 thousand euros. The 5-star movement, the center-right and Italy alive would have expressed perplexity, the Democratic Party and Leu would instead be in favor of the proposal. A measure that, if confirmed, would embrace a non-secindary audience of taxpayers. According to the data on tax returns available on the Mef website, over 75 thousand euros there are about one million taxpayers, equal to 2.43% of the total.

In detail, explains Ansa, it would be a question of canceling the effects of the Irpef cut for incomes above 75 thousand euros, obtaining a saving of 248 million euros. In essence, therefore, it would not be a tax increase for this income bracket, but a “failure to cut”. The graph below shows in detail what are the benefits (and therefore the relative allocation) for the different income brackets. For example, if the benefits above 55 thousand euros were canceled, another 919 thousand taxpayers would be involved, with a further saving of 430 million euros.

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Hypothesis to cut contributions up to 35 thousand euros

However, it is not the only intervention under consideration in the tax field. Also under discussion is a one-off contribution cut, in 2022, concentrated on workers under 35 thousand euros, drawing on the savings obtained from the Irpef and Irap reforms. About a billion and a half billion would be dedicated to the intervention. The income bar to which the reduction of the cuneo contributory would still be assessed.

M5s: “Ready amendment that cancels the Isee roof for the Superbonus”

Meanwhile, the parties are proceeding with parliamentary work on the Maneuver front. The 5 Star movement in particular would have ready the amendment that cancels the Isee roof to access the Superbonus for villas. “The removal of the ISEE ceiling for the extension of the Superbonus to single-family homes is not a whim of the 5 Star Movement but a request that comes from the territory and from all the categories involved, first of all from technicians and companies. This is why we have filed an amendment to the design of Budget law aimed at removing this post, which produces discrimination between those who live in a condominium and can access the facility, despite a perhaps very high income, and those who live in a single-family house and instead can no longer do the work, even if the ISEE income is slightly higher than the ceiling introduced by President Mario Draghi and Minister Daniele Franco “. Thus the parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement Luca Sut, Patrizia Terzoni, Riccardo Fraccaro, Daniela Torto, Gianni Girotto, Cristiano Anastasi, Marco Croatti, Gabriele Lanzi and Sergio Vaccaro.

Draghi: “70% increase in places for nursery schools thanks to Pnrr”

The premier also spoke today at the conference on the family. “Finally, from January it will be possible to apply for a single allowance, a simple tool, universal for all families regardless of employment status, a fair tool because it supports those with low income more intensely, he said.” In the NRP, we have invested almost 6 billion to structurally strengthen childcare services and in particular to support working parents. The goals we have for the next five years are very ambitious. The announcements that make these funds available are being published. “This was stated by Prime Minister Mario Draghi. “We add 264,000 new places in infant-toddler centers and preschools, an increase of over 70%”. We renovate or adapt at least one thousand buildings to expand the full-time offer with canteen service. We build or upgrade 230 thousand square meters for gyms “.

“Forming a family is an intimate choice, which belongs to the personal and couple sphere. It is a decision influenced by many factors, including cultural ones, which evolve over time”. Prime Minister Mario Drgahi said this during his speech at the national family conference “These reasons explain, at least in part, some of the changes that have taken place in recent decades. In particular, the decline in the proportion of families with children; the reduction in the number of children per couple; and the increase in the average age in which one has the first child. In recent years, this choice has been increasingly conditioned by the economic and working precariousness of young people “, he observed.

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