wounds were taken toPresbyterian hospital.status unknownhospitalized health.íctor: it is very easy to give aclick and order.foodin the practice of deliveriesin less than 15 minutes isaffecting the health ofdealers.Adriana: Mariela Salgado wecounts on three proposals oflaw that seek to regulatefast deliveries.>> we know that three projectsof law have been presented inthe municipal council together we havebeen talking all day withone of the sponsors. thecouncilor mars said that thepurpose is to tryrestrict apps,also protect thedealers. this time,Hispanic workers in thetwo sides of the coin.>> it seems that people havededicated to asking them.Mariela: winemakers anddeliverers who distribute bycontemplate three by yes of lawthat restricted the so-calledhidden warehouses wheredistribute the redoubts of thepopular stores.we accompany the president ofthe winemakers on their wayweekly.have seen a constant lossof 30% since the apps ofdistribution of foodshot in 2020 by thepandemic.>> that the warehouses be usedfor the merchandise to come outdirectly. the neighborhood ofgo, you can ask for credit.mariela: this delivery man goeson the way to his first delivery.>> we only bring food fromthe restaurants. mcdonalds,taco bell.mariela: if theproposals, forced theapp stores to register andalso avoided 22 poundsthe weight they carrydelivery men, received finesup to $250, if they make thepromise of delivery in less than15 minutes. three proposals,to the important saddle forput more restrictions on thisbusiness type.>> these companies need anew york permit for yourservices.>> think it’s good thatreduce weight?>> It depends because there are 22 pounds.if they pay me well, I don’tit matters.Mariela: to discuss theseproposals and to see them andto know more, scan the code