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Billions of dollars are being invested by Mercedes Benz to renew its factory for electric vehicles.

After the European Union has issued a policy to reduce carbon dioxide by half and still want to find

Agreement to end production of fossil fuel cars by 2035

which reported from the magazine Automobilwoche reports that Mercedes (Mercedes Benz Group AG) wants to invest billions of dollars. To modernize electric car factories, including factories in China, Germany and Hungary in the next few years. while car manufacturers Preparing to switch to electric cars And reduce emissions Mercedes also confirmed that it is ready to switch from fossil fuels to electrification by the end of the decade. if market conditions favorable

“We are investing 3 million in the plant for further operations.”

Production manager Joerg Burzer said, adding that these investments will be invested in

1.Factory in Beijing

2.Rastatt in Germany

3. Kecskemet in Hungary

There is one car manufacturer that will be operating in Rastatt in the coming months. The first compact car platform, the MMA, will be produced by 2024, when the number of models produced in Rastatt will be reduced to four out of seven.

Not just investing in the factory

In addition to investing in the factory, Mercedes has also invested in improving the paintwork system. a billion-dollar modernization of three plants in Germany: the Sindelfingen plant, the Bremen plant and the Rastatt plant.

The main purpose of improving the paint spraying system is to need Reduce the use of energy and water to the gas dependence of the paint system. as opposed to carbon-free energy

expanding to the United States

Mercedes is considering expanding its U.S. factory in Tuscaloosa, where the company plans to expand. It will benefit from government subsidies under the US Inflation Reduction Act, issued by President Joe Biden after taking the US back on board. Paris Agreement 2021

Such policies will support subsidies and tax credits. gaining benefits Manufacturers still have to produce according to the conditions set by the state, such as being able to participate in the EV Tax Credit program. Requires assembly from equipment and minerals (such as lithium powder and cobalt) from designated sources.




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