Billie Lourd, daughter of the late Hollywood legend Carrie Fisher, has spoken out about a family dispute that occurred online just ahead of her mother’s upcoming Hollywood Walk of Fame event. Fisher, who is best known for her iconic role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, will be posthumously honored on May 4. Lourd issued a statement apologizing to readers for having to publicly address the controversy but explained that she had been forced to do so after family members made public attacks against her. According to Lourd, certain family members, including her mother’s brother and sister, chose to grieve their loss publicly and capitalize on Fisher’s death by doing multiple interviews and selling books on the subject for a large sum of money. Lourd was hurt by their actions and explained that she had chosen to deal with her mother’s loss in a different way. She emphasized that this Hollywood Walk of Fame moment was about Fisher and all she had accomplished, and she didn’t want any unnecessary drama to detract from that.