entertainment">Fans from all over the world could attend the online performance for a fee Billie Eilish Saturday night did from Los Angeles. In between songs she turned to viewers several times. For example, she urged her American fans to go to the polls.
entertainment">“Please vote people,” said the 18-year-old singer at the end of the song All the Good Girls Go to Hell. “We have ten days until this election. It is so important that you vote. Especially when you’re young, because we have a future – unless you don’t vote and we all die. ” Billie did not give up either Trump “We have to do something because the world is dying and people are dying and Trump is the worst,” she said.
entertainment">Billie had to cancel many shows because of the corona crisis and hopes she can perform again soon. “I can’t express how badly I want to go on tour again. During quarantine I realized that the only place I have ever felt myself is on stage, in front of you and with you. That will happen again someday. If we vote the orange man out, we might see each other again, ”again referring to US President Trump.