casualties of war.Jonathan: a pack ofproposed laws would protectthe bendik and more of harassment in thework and change theevidence used incourt.Filippo Ferretti talks about thesemeasures and the importance ofcollect evidence.filippo: between companions ofwork there can be friendship,confidence, jokes.when they become somethingreciprocal, unpleasant and withsexual theme, then we cantalk about sexual harassmentjob.on the first day of March,When is the month of thewoman, the state senate hasapproved billspublic and private work.receive the governor weekhochul, this law will provideemployee assistanceoblique and private. also, ifwould change the clause from norehire.this allowed theemployees to work in thescene of the incident andwill provide protection againstretaliation.As this lawyer explains thatcollaborated with the legislacón,this proposal, to becomein law, he could change theevidence that can be usedin the court.>> >> a friend, relative orhusband cannot testify inthe court about what he told themthe victim of harassmentsexual.This legislation allowedpeople testify aboutwhat an victim ofsexual harassment, ifHe said shortly after what happened.filippo: how important is itcollect evidence.>> someone says today you are prettyand that’s one thing, but yeahsomeone says i would like to sleepWith you, it’s something else. thein the court.when a women victim ofsexual harassment, the onlyhis testimony visible, about whatwhat the abuser said or did.filippo: in with harassment casesexual at workIt is important to have new york, a law allowsrecord with your cell phone to anotherperson without their consent.