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Bill seeks to eliminate excessive fines imposed by the courts of New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

to an arcel in westchester.is given by executive orderthat expands audiencesremote locations for detainees, with thein order to reduce the time inprison.adriana: a bill thatlimit excessive finesin the judicial system in newyork.romy cabral agreed withaffected, activists andlegislators.tell us how they have turned outfamilies harmed.poor also warm is thedestination of the money collected.romy: the legislature againyork realió, activists andex-imprisonment demanded thejudicial system charges,like the paroletraffic violations. amother who has been payingpart of the $ 12,000 feeand his son’s fines that he does 2years he got out of prison for afinancially consumesfamilies>> rent or pay, sometimes onedoes not have.because one knows that a child does nothas the money to pay, thefamily always has to pay.romy: the surcharges of thecuts for a violation ofTransit starts at $ 95. yes toa person who lives in theminimum salary they charge $ 300of fines, this equaledhalf the salary.if the person depends on thatmoney to feed herfamily, did not have theability to stop it.Consequently, the debt continuedincreasing with interest.with the passage of time I couldend up in prison.this activist assures thatsurcharges are insane, speak upof a recent case in whicha man who couldn’t stop$ 200 charges had to passfour days in prison. it’s aexample that highlights realityof which the affected wings arepoor people.according to the study of aorganization, in 2019 the courtnew york criminal exposed$ 10,000,000 in charges and fines.while the supreme andthey put 4,000,000 on charges.What is the money going to?collected?>> these funds end in thelocal agencies, in the mayormore mind or in the governor.these funds go to a boíngeneral and distributed.sometimes used to providemental support services forthe prisoners, but thereality is to charge thesecharges is worse.romy: the legislation thatthey would eliminate the charges,court fees and finesIt also ended with trials andprison sentences for notpayment. the measure is expected, befast in the next sessionlegislative. if approved,

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