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Bill Murray film Being Mortal: Filming stopped

Inappropriate behavior? Filming halted on film starring Bill Murray

Searchlight Pictures has halted filming on Being Mortal. As several US media unanimously report, complaints about inappropriate behavior by leading actor Bill Murray are said to be the reason for this.

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The studio on Wednesday sent a letter to the cast and crew of the film, which has been shooting since the end of March and directed by Aziz Ansari, informing them that filming is on hold due to an unspecified complaint.

Complaint on set

“At the end of last week, we became aware of a complaint that we immediately investigated,” Variety magazine quoted from the statement. Sources have stated that the halt to filming has nothing to do with Corona, nor that Ansari, who also has one of the leading roles, or actor Seth Rogen had anything to do with it. Apparently it was clear what the real reason should have been: misconduct by Bill Murray.

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Searchlight declined to comment on the investigation. It is also not clear whether there will be consequences for Murray and whether he may be replaced as an actor. In the letter to the employees, the film studio thanked everyone involved for their work on the project so far. They hope to resume production and are working on a schedule with Ansari and producer Youree Henley. Being Mortal is scheduled to hit theaters in 2023.


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