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Bill Gates predicts when the pandemic ″ will change dramatically ″

At a time when vaccine approval and subsequent vaccination is on the agenda, many are wondering when the world will return to normal, even though experts warn that it is necessary to continue taking precautionary measures over the next year.

While it is still difficult to set a deadline, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates estimated in an interview on the show Today gives NBC that the United States could “be on the road” to the old normal in the spring of 2021.

“The next four or five months look pretty bleak, unless we can reinforce our behavior,” commented Gates, knowing that his country’s data is very worrying, not least because this Thursday the United States exceeded 14 million infections and beat the daily death record: 3000.

Bill Gates calls for people to avoid meetings and wear a mask anywhere they can be exposed outside the home.

In addition to the various vaccines, Bill Gates is optimistic about advances in treatments such as those made with monoclonal antibodies (which act to mimic the immune system’s ability to fight viruses).

“In the spring, these resources will be large enough for the United States to start to change dramatically and return to normal,” he said.

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