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Bill Gates Predicts Second Wave of COVID-19 in the US Occurs in Autumn

JAKARTA, HARIANHALUAN.COM – Corona virus pandemic in the United States which is still severe continues to be a concern of Bill Gates. The founder of Microsoft even warned of the potential for a second wave in the near future.

Through the CNN Global Town Hall program, Gates said if US citizens still refuse to wear masks and are reluctant to do social distancing, the superpower will experience a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall.

“Better care can reduce mortality, but, especially in October and November, this will return in large numbers, if we do not suppress our behavior even greater than now,” Gates was quoted as saying by Business Insider, Saturday ( 6/27/2020).

The behavior of US citizens who refuse to wear masks and keep physical distancing, called Gates, is somewhat helped by warm temperatures in the summer. But once the temperature drops in the fall, the US must prepare for a bigger wave.

“The weather helped us a little, May will be worse if the virus is not so seasonal. And now we know that we benefit from the summer,” Gates explained.

“And the strength of the infection will get worse in the fall, so there are more reasons not to relax our behavior,” he continued.

Corona virus cases in the US are among the highest globally. The latest data says positive cases in the US reached 2.4 million with a mortality rate of 124 thousand.

According to this 64-year-old man, the high number is caused by the lack of contact tracing and the application of quarantine and the reluctance of people to use masks. The use of masks in the US is politicized and some political groups decide not to wear masks.

Gates also criticized the absence of the Donald Trump government in leading the eradication of COVID-19 both domestically and globally. This means that the US does not use its position as a superpower to suppress the spread of the virus as they should.

“We have to think about the world and, you know, that I am very disappointed, and without US leadership, it is very difficult to determine a response,” he said.

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