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Bill Gates leaves Microsoft’s board of directors

March 13, 2020 will go down in history as the day when Donald Trump he has declared the state of “national emergency” in the United States to contain the spread of the coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 (which in Italy it has caused over a thousand deaths). Not only that, it is also the day when, less than two hours later, Bill Gates he announced which will leave the board of Microsoft. He did it with a post on Linkedin: “I want to give priority to philanthropic activities including health and global development and the commitment against climate change,” he wrote on the social network purchased by Microsoft in 2016. In addition to the board of the company he co-founded in 1975, he leaves that of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet’s holding company. “As far as Microsoft is concerned,” he added, “resigning from the board of directors does not in any way mean leaving the company. It will always be an important part of my working life. ” Microsoft, in a note, confirms that it is called “technology advisor”. Gates’ first step back dates back to 2000, when he handed over the helm to Steve Ballmer, who was later replaced by the current CEO Satya Nadella in 2014. Until 2014 Gates was the director of the board, then he began to dedicate more and more time to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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