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Bill Gates gave advice to youth

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Bill Gates gave advice to nineteen year olds

When asked what advice he would give to nineteen-year-olds, Gates recommended worrying more about climate change.

Microsoft founder and richest man on the planet Bill Gates in a conversation with platform users Reddit advised young people to pay more attention to the problem of climate change.

So, one of the participants in the discussion asked the billionaire what advice he could give to a nineteen-year-old man.

“Try to learn more about the problem of climate change. Of course, you should not occupy all your time with this – first of all, you need to choose an interesting job and understand what you are capable of contributing to. However, do not forget about global goals that do not have relationship to your personal success, “Gates said.

In February, Gates talked about his commitment to zeroing the carbon footprint of his private jet. He admitted that he uses biofuel made from plants, which costs three times more than usual, and thus tries to make a feasible contribution to preserving the climate, as well as stimulating the development of innovative technologies.

Formerly Bill Gates named the main problem of humanity, which, in his opinion, is the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050.

Also Gates warned against buying Bitcoin… He fears that people who do not have large savings are engaged in such things.

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