Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Egyptian representative, Hala Abu Al-Saad introduced a bill requiring a drug test before marriage, and this came after drug abuse was shown to be a major cause of high divorce rates.
Abu Al-Saad said that the civil service law stipulates in article 31 that it is necessary to document the marriage contract, that a medical examination be conducted for those wishing to marry, to verify that they are free from diseases affecting life or on the health of each of them or the health of their offspring, and to inform them of the result of this examination, According to “Sada El Balad”.
And he explained that in the face of drug abuse causing high divorce rates, as the “31” article requires a marriage contract to be documented in front of the authorized person or documentation authority to conduct an analysis of drugs for each of the spouses, in order to ensure that neither of the two abuses any narcotic due to the effect this has on their future married life.
It is worth noting that the article “31 bis b” provides that if a drug test sample is positive without needing the doctor for that in one of the spouses, the other party must be informed immediately of this, and the article “31 bis c” states that anyone who violates the provisions of article ” 31 bis A” and article “31 bis C .”