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Bill de Blasio, elected mayor of New York?

A pure democrat, a “progressive, proud of it”. This is how Bill de Blasio defines himself, a 52-year-old Italian-American who, this Tuesday, November 5, was elected mayor of the Big Apple! A feat when we know that, despite the rather democratic sensibility of the American city, the Republicans had ruled New York for more than 20 years, especially the last twelve years during which the post of mayor has been retained by Republican billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

But today New Yorkers aspire to change, who voted overwhelmingly for Bill de Blasio, the winner of this election with more than 70% of the votes. For indeed, Bill de Blasio’s profile contrasts considerably with that of his Republican predecessor. This makes it a point of honor to fight against social inequalities but also to reduce the growing gap between the New York of the rich and the New York of the poor. A true “progressive”, defender of minorities and middle classes. « New Yorkers have called loud and clear for a new direction for our city, united in the belief that no New Yorkers should be left by the wayside. »Expressed the man who will take control of the American city in January 2014.

On hearing the good news, he hastened to thank his constituents, first in English and then in Spanish, and closed his speech on the song by Mavin Gaye, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Surrounded by his family, his wife Chirlane, an African-American, and his two mixed-race children, the 109th mayor of New York explained that “ combating inequalities is not easy, it never has been. The problems will not be solved in a day (…) But I will never stop fighting “. The one who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2000, is already planning the construction of 200,000 social housing units, to increase the taxes of the richest in order to create nursery schools and offer educational support, to extend the right to sick leave, to reconcile the police with the populations or to preserve the neighborhood hospitals. Measures that seem in line with the current aspirations of New Yorkers.

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