Home » today » Business » BILD fights for you – These flood victims are now getting their money back – BILD fights for you!

BILD fights for you – These flood victims are now getting their money back – BILD fights for you!

Many people on the Ahr in Rhineland-Palatinate lost everything in the flood. In addition to the trouble with insurance companies and authorities because of the emergency aid, there are now everyday worries.

Consumer lawyer Arndt Kempgens (52): “Unfortunately, the disaster does not give those affected their own right of termination.” BILD fought anyway.

“I need my leather sofa deposit back”

Gerd Böhm (66), former kitchen manager in Cologne, was so happy that his house was finally renovated from top to bottom. With his wife Petra (65), a former cook, he decides at the furniture chain Lederland to buy a leather set for 4,000 euros. Three-seater, two armchairs, black fine leather. The two pay 2000 euros. But then the tide comes. House, furniture, car, trailer – everything destroyed. Unclear what the insurance companies pay. Lederland insists on delivering the sofa.

The house was built in 1956, has four rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom on two floors, about 120 square meters. The two bought the house 23 years ago. Gerd Böhm: “The water and the mud were up to the ceiling with us. We can use nothing, nothing at all. We had to clear everything out. This is an emergency situation. I don’t need a nice sofa now. I need my deposit back! “

The BILD reader: “The employee was gruff and said he was not interested in the flood. We have a contract and the sofa is delivered. Basta!”

After he emphatically described his situation again, the furniture store offered him a voucher. Shocked, he and his wife drove for almost an hour in an old Corsa (built in 2000, 148,000 km), which he bought for 1200 euros, to Mühlheim-Kärlich.

Gerd Böhm: “I wanted to clarify that directly. I don’t even know if my house will be allowed to stand or if I’ll ever build it again. I don’t want a voucher. I need every penny right now. You buy a set when you’re doing well. It should be the last! “

Photo: private-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-alte-sofa-ist-hinueber-doch-eine-neue-garnitur-estand-fuer-gerd-boehm-nicht-auf- place-1-his-wun-60afeb6d6cd14797bbe543b846ff9589-77289658 / image / 5.image.jpg “/>

The old sofa is over – but a new set is no longer number one on Gerd Böhm’s wish listPhoto: private

Once in the shop, the last hopes for a compromise quickly float away: “The seller killed me. From above. It was almost unbearable. He didn’t want to help us. He doesn’t care. If I resign, I have to pay at least 600 euros, ”says the flood victim.

Gerd Böhm: “It was really degrading. I would also have liked to be able to remove the set. That’s why I ordered them. But now this is an emergency. My wife and I are starting from zero again! He then asked us to leave the shop. Terrible!”

The staff at the “BILD fights for you!” Editorial team immediately contact the furniture store. Joseph Lambertz, the managing director of Lederland, answers. BILD documents the conversation.

Gerd Böhm vor seinem Haus: „Meine Frau und ich fangen wieder bei NULL an!“Photo: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/gerd-boehm-vor-seinem-haus-meine-frau-und-ich-fangen-wieder-bei-null-an–9c9cf7b9e43b42868ea34c0046155a4b -77289662 / image / 5.image.jpg “/>

Gerd Böhm in front of his house: “My wife and I start again at ZERO”Photo: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

Lambertz: “I don’t think that’s okay, we had a contract. The sofa is already in our warehouse. I have already paid for the sofa from the manufacturer. It is already there! I’m not interested in these 2,000 euros. For me, it’s about the way you turn on the media. This is not the way.”

BILD campaigner Sabine Böhnig: “Mr. Lambertz, you are not allowed to see that in person, Mr. Böhm has lost everything, house, furniture, car, trailer … everything. When he ordered the set from you in June, he was fine. He wanted to treat himself and his wife to something. That is why he decided on a Lederland leather set. And then the tide came. Everything is gone. He needs the paid money. “

Lambertz: “I understand that. I want to apologize to Mr. Böhm. I’ll call him right away and suggest a solution. And I will apologize. This is not our way. We have also donated for flood victims. I’ll fix that. “

A short time later, BILD reader Böhm reported: “Dear BILD, I would never have thought that you would be so fast. I just got a call. I get my 2000 euro deposit back. That alone just gives me hope. Thank you that you exist!”

Alltours reimburses holidays in Greece

The house of landscape designer Sven Götsch (47) in Mayschoss was badly damaged. The family had actually booked a vacation in Greece. Jet into the sun while there is chaos at home? For Götsch’s friend Stephanie Krämer (39) unthinkable: “But Alltours is going across the board.”

Stephanie Krämer, Julian Götsch, Vater Sven Götsch und BILD-Redakteur Frank Ochse im Hochwasser-HausPhoto: Marko Schultheiß-Bock-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/stephanie-kraemer-julian-goetsch-vater-sven-goetsch-und-bild-redakteur-frank-ochse-im-hochwasser-haus- ad886a2c3627409a9a0a08a1206cba22-77289666 / image / 5.image.jpg “/>

Stephanie Krämer, Julian Götsch, father Sven Götsch and BILD reporter Frank Ochse in the flood housePhoto: Marko Schultheiß-Bock

BILD-Sparfochs Frank Ochse (50) followed up. Alltours boss Willi Verhuven (70) decided immediately: “Flood victims get their money back.” Stephanie with tears of joy: “That helps us a lot now. Thank you, BILD! “

Do you have problems too? How can BILD help you? Write to [email protected]

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