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BIJ1 must repay more than a hundred thousand euros in subsidies

The shortcomings apply to the year 2022 and not to the political party itself. This concerns so-called secondary institutions such as the scientific institute and the political youth organization of BIJ1. Without such a report checked by an accountant, it is difficult to determine whether subsidies have been awarded correctly.

Payment arrangement

This is what outgoing minister Hugo de Jonge writes in a letter to Parliament. He ‘regrets’ that this did not happen. BIJ1 also appears to have been asked for clarification several times. The party will receive a payment arrangement for this.

Things also did not go entirely well at the VVD, PvdA, ChristenUnie and JA21, among others, but that was no reason for reclaiming money.

Sylvana Simons announced this summer that she did not want to continue with the Chamber work. She was succeeded by Edson Olf. The party also did not win a seat in the recent elections and is therefore disappearing from the House of Representatives.

2023-12-06 18:06:54
#BIJ1 #repay #thousand #euros #subsidies

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