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BihusInfo journalists spoke about Yuriy Boyko’s income

Deputy Yuriy Boyko has been working in Ukrainian politics for more than 20 years. Throughout his career, he has consistently managed to avoid suspicion from law enforcement.

Journalists say that during the Yanukovych era, when Boyko headed the Ministry of Energy, one of the biggest thefts from the budget took place – officials overpaid $ 300 million for two oil and gas drilling rigs. However, at that time they did not find direct evidence of Boyko’s participation in corruption schemes, and he escaped punishment.

Boyko may be deprived of the title of Hero of Ukraine: the government approved an important bill

How Boyko avoids consequences for his actions

In 2019, presidential candidate Yuriy Boyko made a working visit to Russia with Viktor Medvedchuk. Then the deputies met with Medvedev and discussed both Russian-Ukrainian relations and economic issues, in particular, a contract for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine. However, even after that, the Ukrainian special services ignored such a resonant event.

On the third day of the full-scale war, Boyko went on the air of Russia’s most scandalous propagandist, Vladimir Solovyov, and mocked the Ukrainian media. However, even then no sanctions were imposed on Boyko and they were not taken under investigation. Moreover, he managed to keep the title of Hero of Ukraine.

For reference. The title of Hero of Boyko was awarded back in 2004 by the then President Leonid Kuchma. In those years, the pro-Russian politician headed NAK Naftogaz. During his tenure, he “agreed” on gas debts to Russia and Turkmenistan.

It should also be noted that the Ukrainian assets of a Russian billionaire, whose business is personally assisted by Putin, were recently transferred to ex-subordinate Boyko.

Investigation about Yuriy Boyko: watch the video

What is known about Boyko’s condition

According to journalists, Boyko’s only declared business is the Stolichnaya Real Estate company. The business center has 600 square meters, and the main income that it accumulates for Boyko is the rental of premises. However, it should be noted that the people’s deputy rewrote this property to his wife.

In addition, it is known that Boyko has two houses near Kiev. The owners, oddly enough, are the people’s deputy’s wife and his son. Moreover, it is known that in 2020 Boyko’s wife bought 50 hectares of land near Kiev.

Well, the highlight of the capital is the Boykov Palace, which is located on the dam of the Kyiv reservoir in the middle of the state forest. Interestingly, in addition to Boyko, 13 more families from the former “oil and gas” environment live in this town.

In 2006, Boyko’s wife bought an apartment in the center of Moscow. She, as you know, the family left in their property even after the start of a full-scale invasion.

Note! This is only information about the real estate of the deputy’s family known to journalists. How many apartments and houses Boyko actually has is unknown.

Therefore, we can conclude that tens of hectares of land, thousands of square meters of real estate, security, motorcades – all this cannot be received on a deputy’s salary and a wife’s company that rents several offices.

What business is Boyko hiding?

Volynblenergo” is an enterprise with a turnover of millions, which transports electricity for consumers in the Volyn region.

75% of the assets of this enterprise belongs to the eldest son of Yuri Boyko – Anatoly. The ultimate owner of “Volynoblenergo”, according to journalists, is an Austrian lawyer Ruben Zakharyan. By the way, Cypriot auditors have hinted that he is not a real shareholder, as noted on the facade.

The journalists found out that these are not all the shares of this mysterious lawyer. It is noted that he is the owner of the Ukrainian fields “AZOV PETROLEUM LLS” and “KZR PETROLEUM”, as well as a hydroelectric power station in Guinea, which is associated with Boyko.

It is curious that the people’s deputy has never declared any firms in offshore zones. However, everything looks as if he had, because after a few years, his son turned out to be the official owner of the oblenergo, which for years was associated with Boyko.

A similar story happened to the power plant in Transcarpathia – Tereble-Ritskaya HPP. It allegedly belonged to a resident of Lisichansk, and in 2020, none other than Anatoly Boyko became its official owner.

What is known about Boyko’s business in Moscow

The wife of the People’s Deputy Boyko worked for a long time in the Russian part of the business of Miron Gorilovsky, the owner of the largest pipe manufacturing plants in Russia.

From 2015 to 2018, Boyko’s wife received a salary from Gorilovsky’s firms. It should be noted here that Putin personally contributed to the popularization of Gorilovsky’s product in Russia.

After the occupation of Crimea, the entrepreneur received several billion dollar state contracts to provide water supply to the island. Note that Gorlikovsky is still under Ukrainian sanctions.

To sum up, after a year of a full-scale war in Ukraine, a deputy of the banned OPPL party is still working in the Verkhovna Rada, who owns undeclared real estate, and his wife and son run illegal businesses.

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