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Bigorre – Legislative: PCF 65 and health and hospital

The Communist Party of the Hautes-Pyrénées communicates on the subject of health and the hospital within the framework of the legislative elections of June 12 and 19 through Hervé Charles, departmental secretary.

“We have been saying it for years now that the French health system is going to the wall! At issue is the system in place, capitalism and those who support it, carry it, keep it in place and develop it. All the decisions concerning health, the health laws voted in the National Assembly by successive majorities for more than twenty years have dealt mortal blows against our solidarity system of Social Security resulting from the decisions of the National Council of the Resistance (CNR) in out of World War II.

In parliament, the outgoing Macronian majority, including the deputy SEMPASTOUS and the ministers BUZYN and VERAN, the Prime Ministers PHILIPPE and CASTEX have done the dirty work by not solving any fundamental problem and by pushing public hospitals a little further into a situation where they find themselves bloodless and on the verge of implosion.

These decisions were taken against the opinion of the majority of professionals and populations who were never consulted.

Here in the Hautes-Pyrénées the only solution found by this majority supported in fact by Messrs PELIEU and TREMEGE and unfortunately by the deputy and the senators Mesdames DUBIE, ARTIGALAS and CARRERE is to close the Hospitals of Tarbes and Lourdes to build a new one. in the open countryside between the two towns by considerably reducing the supply of public care for the populations and by removing access to this care for thousands of people.

They and they also turn a blind eye to the current state of our four hospitals in Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Lannemezan, Lourdes and Tarbes, namely a historic shortage of means in nursing and medical personnel on the lack of general practitioners leading to medical deserts, the lack of accessible structures and home help for the elderly. By doing so, they make the increasingly dominant influence of the lucrative private health sector unavoidable.

Moreover, the staff and users of hospitals and medico-social are already fighting in our department such as in Bagnères-de-Bigorre against the closing of emergency services at night, in Lourdes against the establishment of Outpatient surgery and the administrative merger with Tarbes, in Tarbes against the restructuring of the SMUR, in Lannemezan for the recruitment of nursing staff, in the medico-social sector for obtaining the 183 euro increase.

At the national level, unions and associations are calling for a day of struggles and mobilizations on June 7th.

The electoral sequence of the Presidential allowed, in spite of everything, in an ocean of demagoguery and thanks to a scandalous vote, the election of Mr. MACRON when he is only supported by a minority of people. On the other hand, the proponents of capital and finance have chosen it once again because they have no doubt that it will serve them slavishly and efficiently.

It is high time to change this deadly situation for our health system. The opportunity to do so will present itself on June 12 and 19 by electing to the National Assembly a majority of deputies of the NUPES (New Popular Ecological and Social Union) following the government agreement reached between the main French left-wing parties in the aftermath of the Presidential elections.

NUPES proposes to redistribute the financial means of the country towards the social rather than for finance and capital in order to:

– to rebuild the public hospital service by reopening hospital beds and services closed in recent years, by recruiting 100,000 health professionals, by upgrading professions and salaries by reinstating professionals suspended during the Covid period, to abolish fee overruns.

– to fight against medical deserts

– to introduce “100% Secu” to fully reimburse all prescribed care.

For all these reasons, we are calling for a massive vote on June 12 and 19 for the candidates of the NUPES in the Hautes Pyrénées:

– Sylvie FERRER and Benjamin SICRE in the 1st district

– Grégory KORN and Héloïse DASSE in the 2nd constituency”.

Federation Communist Party of Hautes-Pyrénées

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