A large wind power project in the Chemical Triangle has stalled. Source: Shutterstock / Blue Planet Studio
Fear has been circulating in the boardrooms of companies based in the Bavarian chemical triangle for a long time. Now they have met for an energy summit.
There have been rumblings for some time among the companies around Altötting and Burghausen, not far from the Austrian border. The so-called Bavarian chemical triangle extends over the southeast Bavarian districts of Altötting, Mühldorf and Traunstein. The most important production locations are Burghausen (Wacker Chemie, OMV refinery), Trostberg (Alzchem, BASF), Waldkraiburg and Burgkirchen (Chemiepark Gen
Thursday, March 28, 2024, 4:16 p.m
Gnter Drewnitzky
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2024-03-28 21:26:26
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