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Big S’s Miscarriage and Her Journey to Parenthood

Big S was blasted “more than one miscarriage”? ! The baby is gone before marriage!He also braced his body to accompany his ex-husband to record

It’s been a while since there was anything about Wang Xiaofei and Big S, but this explosion is a super big deal! Because according to the “Mirror Weekly” report, in May 2018 it was reported that Big S had a third miscarriage, but it was not the first time that Big S had a miscarriage at that time! Earlier there was ꒦ິ^꒦ິ

In May 2018, Big S had a miscarriage of her third child. At that time, she even recorded “Happy Trio” with her weak body in order to help Wang Xiaofei establish a good image…


However, according to the weekly report, in fact, when Big S and Wang Xiaofei held their wedding in Sanya, Hainan, Big S had just had a miscarriage! ! At that time, she also dragged her tired body through the wedding T3T, just thinking about it makes her feel so distressed…

After getting married, Big S also changed her vegetarian habit for many years in order to prepare for pregnancy. However, Big S’s health is not good, and her first pregnancy miscarriage>< After reading Chinese and Western medicine, she decided to use test tubes. It was hard to get married for more than 3 years After giving birth to a daughter.

Big S also shared in the program “After Becoming a Mother”: “I died when my younger brother was born, and was sent to the ICU intensive care unit.” In the past few years, I have gone through life and death, and then the third child had a miscarriage… Already 46 It is impossible for the 20-year-old Da S to plan to conceive again with Gu Junye~


I just feel… Maternal love is really great >

Further reading:Big S Goo Junye’s first wedding anniversary! After experiencing the war of words between the ex-husband’s family, Gu Junye responded!

Source: Weibo@王小菲|IG@hsushiyuan

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