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Big selection autumn on ORF Vorarlberg

Vorarlberg is voting! With the National Council election on September 29 and the state election on October 13, there are two important elections in Vorarlberg in the autumn of 2024. The ORF Vorarlberg offers everyone an independent and comprehensive range of information: reports in-depth on radio, television, online and social media, summer talks, discussion groups, various programs as well as analyzes and expert interviews.

Summer TV talks in our own specials

At the beginning of September, five editions of ORF Vorarlberg’s summer talks will shed light on the explosive topics of this big election autumn, when the main candidates for the state election will answer questions in a detailed interview in a special program (September 3 until September 12). , 6:30 p.m., ORF 2 V).

New formats for all channels and target groups

As part of ORF Vorarlberg’s big youth debate under the title “Every voice counts,” students exchange ideas with politicians about topics that are important to young people (September 19, 6:30 p.m., ORF 2 V ). The crucial questions are put to party leaders online at vorarlberg.ORF.at, thus making the political content comparable. For all podcast fans there is a series with the most important political events of the last few years. ORF Vorarlberg’s social media team streams live for the first time on state election day, making political events accessible to the very young target group.

“Election tour reloaded”

At ORF Radio Vorarlberg, the “Guten Morgen Vorarlberg” team will accompany the best candidate on a “reloaded selection trip” to their workplace. The moderator duo Dominic Dapré and Nicole Oberhauser not only ask questions about the election and the person, but they also have different challenges in their luggage for the main candidate. Claudia Gamon / NEOS (September 2), Mario Leiter / SPÖ (September 3), Christof Bitschi / FPÖ (September 4), Daniel Zadra / The Greens (September 5) and Markus Wallner / ÖVP (September 6) can be heard between 7 am and 8 am on ORF Radio Vorarlberg.

Lots of audience participation

Listeners participate in the debate in the program “News at Neustädter” on ORF Radio Vorarlberg. It starts with the competing small parties: “Xi-HaK-Gilt”, “WE – Platform for Families and Protection of Children”, open election platform “Anders” and KPÖ will be the theme of the show on October 2, and the Greens after him. (3. October), SPÖ (October 7th), NEOS (October 8th), FPÖ (October 9th) and ÖVP (October 10th). On September 26, moderator Matthias Neustädter summarized the most important information for late voters about the National Council election On September 30, he looked back at the election, discussed the results and received comments .

In the broad debate on the National Council election, ORF Vorarlberg and the “Vorarlberger Nachrichten” will talk with the main members of the parliamentary party list (September 24, 6:30 pm, ORF 2 V). On the day of the National Council election, ORF Vorarlberg offers reports from Vorarlberg in the ORF national program from 4 pm, “Zeit im Bild” switches to Vorarlberg and the top candidate and the main candidates will be live guests (29 September, from 4 p.m., ORF 2 and ORF 2 V).

Detailed report on state elections

At the big debate about the 2024 state election with the “Vorarlberger Nachrichten”, the main candidates take positions on current state political issues (October 3, 6:30 pm, ORF 2 V). The program “Report” on the topic “State election 2024 – the big live debate about the main candidates” from the ORF-Landesfunkhaus Vorarlberg can be seen live and throughout Austria (October 8, 9:05 p.m., ORF 2) . On election day, ORF Vorarlberg delivers a special six-hour program on television and radio, ticking all the results live online at vorarlberg.ORF.at, going live on social media and comprehensively reporting state election results everywhere with current updates. , live reports and reports , experts such as political scientist Peter Filzmaier and election researcher Christoph Hofinger and TV documentaries from Vorarlberg (October 13th, from 1pm, ORF 2 and ORF 2 V as well as ORF Radio Vorarlberg).

TV specials from ORF Vorarlberg for the 2024 election fall in detail:

ORF-Vorarlberg summer talks
September 3rd to 12th, 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and on ORF ON
How do the main candidates in the state election feel about the issues of housing, climate protection and the coexistence of different cultures? What plans are you following to bring the nursing shortage under control and do you want to raise the S18? From September 3rd to 12th, ORF Vorarlberg editor-in-chief Angelika Simma-Wallinger and Daniel Rein from ORF Vorarlberg will conduct detailed interviews in five special programs and bring the people of Vorarlberg into the discussion. On the stage “Every Voice Counts” they say what is important to them in Vorarlberg politics.

Tuesday, September 3: Claudia Gamon (NEOS)
Thursday, September 5th: Mario Leiter (SPÖ)
Monday, September 9: Christoph Bitschi (FPÖ)
Tuesday, September 10: Eva Hammerer, Daniel Zadra (The Greens)
Thursday, September 12: Markus Wallner (ÖVP)

“Every voice counts” – ORF Vorarlberg youth debate
September 19, 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and on ORF ON
Before the National Council election on 29 September and the state election on 13 October, students will talk to politicians about the issues that are important to young people. The audience studio at ORF Vorarlberg will therefore become a platform for regional political dialogue as well as a direct exchange between voters and those who want to be elected. ORF editor Christiane Schwald-Pösel controls the event, which can be seen on September 19 at 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and ORF ON.

The great debate about the 2024 National Council election
September 24, 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and on ORF ON
How will Vorarlberg’s candidates for the National Council election represent Vorarlberg’s concerns in Vienna? What priorities will they set and how will they deal with the main challenges facing society: sustainability, climate protection and reducing inflation? David Breznik from ORF Vorarlberg and Birgit Entner-Gerhold from “Vorarlberger Nachrichten” talk to the main leaders of the parliamentary parties in Vorarlberg in the ORF Vorarlberg audience studio. The great debate about the 2024 National Council election can be seen on September 24 at 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and on ORF ON.

National Council Election 2024 – Vorarlberg has voted
September 29, from 4 pm on ORF 2, ORF 2 V and on ORF ON
On September 29, the day of the National Council election 2024, ORF Vorarlberg offers a continuous introduction to the national ORF program from 4 p.m. David Breznik hosts the main candidates live on “Vorarlberg Today” and gets their first impressions of the election results. A special “Zeit im Bild” broadcast will take place in various locations, including Vorarlberg.

The big debate about the 2024 state election
October 3, 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and on ORF ON
What measures do Claudia Gamon (NEOS), Mario Leiter (SPÖ), Christof Bitschi (FPÖ), Daniel Zadra (The Greens) and Markus Wallner (ÖVP) want to take against inflation and the care crisis decrease? How important is the issue of climate protection to party leaders and how do they think about good coexistence in Vorarlberg? The editor-in-chief of ORF Vorarlberg Angelika Simma-Wallinger and Michael Prock from “Vorarlberger Nachrichten” discuss this in the ORF Vorarlberg audience studio. The great debate about the 2024 state election can be seen on October 3 at 6:30 pm on ORF 2 V and on ORF ON.

State election 2024 – the big live debate on the main candidates in the “Report”
October 8, 9:05 pm on ORF 2 and on ORF ON
After the National Council election and a few days before the state election in Vorarlberg, Susanne Schnabl from “Report” and editor-in-chief of ORF Vorarlberg Angelika Simma-Wallinger talk to Claudia Gamon (NEOS), Mario Leiter (SPÖ), Christof Bitschi (FPÖ), Daniel Zadra (The Greens) and Markus Wallner (ÖVP) live on October 8 at 9:05 pm in the ORF-Landesfunkhaus Vorarlberg in Dornbirn. How do the first people on the list feel about the topics of coexistence, home, nature and inflation? What will be the effect of the result of the National Council election on the state elections and what are the possible coalition variations for them? The debate will be broadcast throughout Austria on ORF 2 in the program “Report” and on ORF ON.

State election 2024 – Vorarlberg has voted
October 13, from 1pm on ORF 2, ORF 2 V and on ORF ON
ORF Vorarlberg will report the results of the 2024 state elections in full in a special program lasting more than six hours live from the Landhaus Bregenz and from the ORF Landesfunkhaus Vorarlberg in Dornbirn. – with current product updates, live reports, reports and TV documentaries from Vorarlberg. Together with Austria’s leading political commentator Peter Filzmaier and election researcher Christoph Hofinger, ORF Vorarlberg editor-in-chief Angelika Simma-Wallinger and ORF editor Daniel Rein classify the results from the regions and the municipal areas. Kerstin Polzer from ORF Vorarlberg conducts interesting interviews and gets original ideas from the main candidates.

Markus Klement, ORF Vorarlberg regional director: “Two important elections within two weeks. As ORF Vorarlberg, we would like to provide voters in Vorarlberg with the best possible guidance for their decisions. We provide detailed information in all our media in various formats.”

Angelika Simma-Wallinger, editor-in-chief of ORF Vorarlberg: “Our democracy is based on an informed decision on election day. We provide this foundation with a competent team independently and credibly across all our channels. This is more important than ever in the times of social media bubbles and fake news. “

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