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big scandal, his business was put up for sale for one euro on the web …

While more and more singers still find themselves in difficult and even completely catastrophic situations today due to the coronavirus crisis, no one could have imagined that singer Mel It was going to be at the heart of a scandal as impressive as the one we have discovered. Indeed, while some fans of the singer could have hoped to see her have happy days with her career, we got to learn a story about her that is pretty horrible.

Indeed, as we could see it again recently with the singer Ophélie Winter who was forced to face all the craziest rumors concerning her, in particular that she could have been homeless at one point in her life , it turns out that the English singer Mel C is also in a situation which is very difficult, according to the latest news which we discovered in the English media.

It is a scandal that may have emerged on the web, and that no one could have been able to imagine for a single second, to say the least. Indeed, we learned that the singer had already had financial problems in the past, and this unfortunately could have played tricks on her, as you will be able to see …

Person inherits Mel C’s business and sells it

It’s not uncommon to see things from celebs’ past popping up on the web overnight, but the singer of the Spice Girls Mel C surely did not expect to go through a ordeal as important as the one we have seen recently, to say the least. Indeed, we could see on the eBay site recently an auction which said to sell the affairs of the singer Mel C.

Faced with such an announcement, many people simply believed in a bad joke to be able to hear the singer make her comeback. However, it seems that it is not and that the business for sale is indeed those of the singer! Indeed, they could have been acquired during the purchase of a box, as we can see in the famous program Storage Wars where people can buy storage spaces or even furniture repositories abandoned by their owners. However, the new owner surely did not expect to discover such a thing …

Mel C (Spice Girls): she does everything to remove the ad on the web

While the affairs of singer Mel C found each other on the web, we could see that the story ended well for her. Indeed, a few days ago, while we could find on the web Mel C’s belongings for sale after she had not paid her rent, we could see that the ad was withdrawn.

Here is something to reassure the biggest fans of the Spice Girls, who could have paid dearly to be able to see what was in the singer’s boxes!

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