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Big risks without breakfast | 7 unhealthy facts of eating Nescafe

Many people prefer to eat Nescafe In the morning, it contains caffeine, which helps to wake up and focus, but eating nescafe on an empty stomach can cause many damages to the body, especially when it is excessive in the morning.-

The “eposts” site revealed the most prominent damage to the health and stomach

The main harms of drinking Nescafe On an empty stomach is an ulcer or acidity, where there are acids in the stomach secreted to stimulate the digestive process, and when you drink Nescafe on an empty stomach, these acids in the stomach cause ulcers.-

One of the effects of drinking Nescafe on an empty stomach is to reduce the level of serotonin, which helps to relax the body, and also leads to an increase in the level of adrenaline and cortisol in the blood, thus increasing feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

It contributes to the production of urine, which leads to the exit of large amounts of fluid from the body والجفاف.

drink Nescafe On an empty stomach it causes a loss of desire to eat because it blocks the appetite, and over time the body suffers a decrease in blood circulation and a general weakness.

It raises blood pressure.


In some cases, it may lead to cancer.

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