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Big project in sight? We know more!

On Snapchat, Nabilla explained the reason for her absence on social networks. She thus made a surprising revelation.

While this new photo has caused a sensation among Internet users, Milann’s parents seem less present on social networks. Fans of the duo noticed it right away and for good reason, the couple attaches particular importance to their followers. This is hardly surprising given that Nabilla has grown into a seasoned influencer over the years. For information, the young woman has more than 6 million subscribers on Instagram. Suffice to say that she is very active on the web. Its absence therefore aroused the curiosity of Internet users.

Nabilla talks about a big project in preparation

Faced with the speculations of Internet users, Milann’s mom deemed it necessary to speak. On Snapchat, Nabilla thus confided: “There are plenty of people who tell me that we are no longer too active on the networks. So we are less active because you will soon know why. We cannot say it for the moment otherwise we would have explained to you “. We must believe that the businesswoman prefers for the moment to maintain the mystery. She added that yesterday, her little family had an exceptional day.

For now, the mystery remains about this big project in preparation. What is certain is that Nabilla is eager to tell her community about it. Is this a new show? A second child? A new acquisition? … The fans are in total vagueness and therefore speculation is rife. As for the main one concerned, she just concluded: “I am very happy, everything is fine. Milann is doing very well. Thomas is fine ”. We will know more in the days to come.

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