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Big heat in Toulouse: it continues!

The people of Toulouse are suffocating and are looking for a bit of freshness!

While the heat wave continues with temperatures reaching 38° in the afternoon, everything is good for cooling off: shade, fogger or the banks of the Garonne, everyone has their own trick.

Admittedly, the southerners are more accustomed to the heat, but the episode lasts and is not about to stop. And it’s even harder for some tourists who are more accustomed to low temperatures!

“We are Northerners, so the heat is not for us, we walk in the shade “, told us a man from Lille, who came on vacation to the pink city with his family,

“The sight of water refreshes”

They are therefore numerous, vacationers or Toulouse residents, to go to the banks of the Garonne to overcome these strong heats.

« I try to find cool places, the sight of water is refreshing! There has been a landscaping with trees and shade, it’s a nice place explains a Toulouse woman.

“40 years ago I saw this in August”

And everyone agrees that global warming is the main cause of these heat waves.

Some remain optimistic and want to act, “ if everyone on their small scale does something, we might manage to get a little less warm », others want to be reassuring « I tell myself that we will find solutions, for my part I do a lot of things to avoid aggravating the situation ».

Others, on the other hand, are less optimistic,it scares me in a way, there I see that there is heat in Toulouse that I saw before in August ».

In any case, the Haute-Garonne department is still on heatwave orange vigilance this Friday, July 15, 2022.

Yesterday afternoon, Météo France recorded 37.9°C in Toulouse-Blagnac and 38.5°C in Montesquieu-Lauragais and it will be stifling this afternoon.

And prepare to suffocate this weekend, because Sunday afternoon, it will be fire, with possible peaks at 41°.

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