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Big doubts about WHO Corona report | Current world | DW

In their final report published in Geneva, the experts rate it as “likely to very likely” that the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen passed from bats to humans via an intermediate host animal. The authors of the report describe a direct transfer to humans as “possible to likely”. The experts believe that China’s preferred thesis that transmission to humans took place via frozen meat is “possible”.

However, the researchers describe the theory that the virus could have escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan as “extremely unlikely” – in line with the Chinese government’s intention. Therefore, they would not have followed this lead any further. The possibility of an intentional release of SARS-CoV-2 has not been investigated anyway.

“Considerably delayed”

A number of countries – above all the USA – expressed great doubts about the quality of the investigation. “We support a transparent and independent analysis and assessment of the origins of the virus, free from interference and undue influence,” said Washington.

The experts’ mission in China was “significantly delayed” and the experts were denied “access to complete, original data and samples,” said 14 countries in a joint statement. In addition to the USA, the signatories include Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Israel, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovenia.

“Difficulties in accessing raw data”: WHO chief Tedros also criticized China

The mission on behalf of the World Health Organization was politically sensitive. China is doing everything it can not to be pilloried as a scapegoat for the coronavirus pandemic. It took six months before the international experts were even allowed to travel to Wuhan. Even the WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who was reluctant to criticize the People’s Republic, showed his frustration.

“This report is an important beginning, but not the end. We have not yet found the origin of the virus,” said Tedros. Everything is being done to solve the puzzle to reduce the risk of a similar pandemic recurring. And Tedros assured: “As far as the WHO is concerned, all hypotheses remain on the table.” He sees a need for “further investigations” on the hypothesis of a laboratory accident. “Additional missions with specialized experts, which I am willing to send”, are conceivable.

wa / bru (afp, dpa, rtr)

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