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Big Brother Vip, Stefania Orlando poisonous on Dayane Mello: “She is an egoist”

Stefania Orlando attacks Dayane Mello, siding on Rosalinda Cannavò’s side.

Stefania Orlando does not appreciate the attitude that Dayane Mello took over with Rosalinda Cannavò, since the Sicilian actress decided to undertake a flirt with Andrea Zenga. Whether it’s jealousy or not, the Brazilian model is in danger of losing a beautiful relationship, which has accompanied her over the past five months, and Orlando he openly criticizes her for the ease with which she is hurting Beautiful rose.

Gf Vip, Stefania Orlando against Dayane Mello

Dayane Mello she is furious with Rosalinda Cannavò. The first nomination a Giulia Salemi, then the announcement of flirt with Andrea Zenga they created disagreements between the two friends. After intense months, I spent side by side in the Home of Big Brother Vip, the friendship of Rosemello it may have come to an end. Fans didn’t like the choice of Cannavò, which they considered the result of a strategy in view of the Finale, and they decided to inform the Sicilian of their disapproval.

While Mello rejoices over a plane against her friend, to then accuse Beautiful rose to pretend with Zeng, the Sicilian bursts into incredulous tears in front of so much detachment. Stefania Orlando e Tommaso Zorzi they took the side of the Cannavò, advising her not to submit to the mood swings of the model, who becomes possessive and irritable when she realizes she has lost her all-encompassing influence. Stefania, who can’t stand the Brazilian, has lashed fiercely against the Mello letting off steam with Samantha De Grenet e Andrea Zelletta. “This is selfishness: when you love that person, you love that person, even at the cost of giving up that person for a moment. You chose to give up, not because that person told you. It was her choice to remove herself from this sharing, no one pushed her away, it was she who moved away. I don’t understand the reason “, stated the Orlando.

Big Brother Vip, Stefania Orlando vitriol on the Mello

While Samantha try to act as a needle in the balance, reiterating that the two friends must resolve the issue between them in the name of the feeling that binds them, Stefania increases the dose: “Evidently there is no desire to understand. Indeed, yesterday he said that it is a strategy, he knows perfectly well that she is then upset. If I know he’s more sensitive, I avoid the dig […] He puts Rosalind on the cross because he nominated Giulia, because Dayane didn’t think she should be named is absurd […] She is too drastic in certain things, she is not malleable “.

Also it Zelletta seems to agree with the presenter. Despite understanding the jealousy of Dayane and the annoyance of not being first made aware of her interest in Zeng, the Apulian finds that the only one to suffer unfairly for the situation is Beautiful rose. A few hours after the new one Stake of Gf Vip anything could still happen …

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