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Big Brother Vip 5, first episode – De Blanck vs Zorzi: “I’m not a fallen countess, asshole”. Everyone to televoting!

GF Vip 5

Everything is ready for the official start of the Big Brother Vip 5 and here on DavideMaggio.it the appointment with the Monday evening liveblogging returns, to follow and update in direct minute by minute everything that happens – in the studio but above all in the House – during the first episode.

Big Brother Vip 5: the direct minute by minute of the first episode

21.33: With the images of the first episode of Big Brother 1, dated 14 September 2000, and of the ‘new’ House, officially begins on GF Vip 5.

21.36: A moved Signorini enters the studio: “Today is a day of celebration. Schools have started today “. Then he greets the (little) audience in the studio and calls his adventure companion: Pupo.

21.42: The two connect with Antonella Elia, who is on the catwalk. The former gieffina would like to enter the house, but is called to the studio to be a columnist. And off to the presentation clip on the first VIP coming soon: Matilde Brandi. Elegant and excited: “I didn’t know I was the first. Mamma Mia!”. The host remembers that this is the first reality show for her to participate in. Then a video message from the two daughters, who make her move: “We are waiting for you to make the Christmas tree”. Ah!

21.49: Matilde enters the house and reaches a mega washing machine, where someone has left something for her: a white t-shirt with the words “it’s a life that I wait for you!”. On the notes of To whohere Fausto Leali, the second competitor of the evening. Pupo sings and dedicates the song to Antonella. And Alfonso sends the clip presenting the singer-songwriter.

22.03: Signorini explains that “In the House there is a secret room: the Social Room”. The images ‘scrutinize’ the hands of a Vippo who has taken possession of the Twitter account of the program, where he will occasionally be able to tweet about his roommates during the live broadcast. Who will be?

22.08: Third rvm, third competitor: Enock Barwuah. Advertising.

22.17: Balotelli’s brother reaches the catwalk and dedicates a special thought to Mario: “He’s also my best friend”. Elia has no doubts: “I believe that Enock is much more beautiful than Mario Balotelli”. Alfonso takes the opportunity to remember Willy Monteiro, the boy brutally killed days ago. The soccer player: “In 2020 it is unacceptable that this stuff happens here. Justice for Willy “.

22.21: Clip on another competitor: Dayane Mello, who arrives on the catwalk and greets Enock. “I’m very nervous”he admits. Alfonso says the two have known each other for some time. They enter the House through the “Pupo porta”, says the conductor; the two Vippos ‘slide’ down into a tunnel, until they reach Matilde and Fausto, who in the meantime eat and drink.

22.30: Is presented Patrizia De Blanck, which arrives aboard an ape car. “Tell the workers to turn up the sound that you don’t hear much”says the countess, who immediately lets out a heartfelt vaffa! A nice pied-à-terre awaits you, all for you.

22.39: The host calls the Vippos back to the salon to reveal the identity of the competitor who is in the social room and who has written some tweets about them. It is about Tommaso Zorzi; via to his presentation clip. The influencer warned Dayane via Twitter: “Hands off Enock”. The player collects: “Everything is fine”. “But this is outing “, comments Pupo. Advertising.

22.53: Zorzi joins the Vippons who entered the House.

23.00: The presentation of the VIPs continues; the next is Andrea Zelletta, which is already in the bedroom. The now famous (and embarrassing) scherzo de is retransmitted Hyenas to his girlfriend, before being joined by Matilde and Dayane.

23.15: De Blanck takes her first steps in her ‘home’ and eats something. There is also a nice welcome buffet: chickpeas, beans, tuna and chocolate.

23.18: Signorini anticipates that Adua Del Vesco e Massimiliano Morra they are about to arrive, remembering that they have been engaged and above all that the story did not end well at all. Apparently, when she learned of the presence of the ex in the cast, she also expressed the will to give up the program. Meanwhile, she is presented with a video. He is in the Mystery Room. Advertising.

23.30: The Del Vesco ‘parades’ on the catwalk. The host reveals the anorexia suffered by the actress, who came to weigh 32 kilos. She enters the House. Then the clip on her ex.

23.36: Alfonso connects with him. The actor tells the story with Adua, whom he hasn’t seen for about two years. Admits: “I am a very jealous person (…) We were focused on the career”.

23.42: Morra enters the house and finds only the former. He holds out his hand to her, but she pushes him away: “Just the greeting”. He explains that he wants to look ahead and apologize if and when he’s wrong. She approves but is a fury: “You know what you did to me (…) You don’t make me hot or cold”. Adua is keen to say that she is engaged, as is Massimiliano. And he adds: “I’m glad he understood, but for him …”.

23.48: There is also talk of a physical clash – complete with a film / test – a few years ago between Morra and Francesco Testi (also an actor, former gieffino) precisely because of jealousy for Adua. Everything, however, seems clear. “In life we ​​all make mistakes”, Morra admits. Del Vesco shares but stings: “I don’t think I was wrong with you”. For Elijah he has played a part, while she does not want to reveal some secrets about their history. Advertising.

00.05: All the men in the confessional to watch the presentation clip of Flavia Vento and especially to his live siren song. An odyssey! Then Enock thinks about going to get the ‘siren’ and bring her to the rest of the group.

00.16: Rvm on De Blanck, who will stay asleep in his pied-à-terre. In the meantime, however, he can join the others until the end of the episode. Say hello to everyone except Zorzi, who he gave her the fallen countess in a recent interview. He glosses over: “No, but when? Let’s talk”. Signorini intervenes: “Countess you don’t have to listen to all the bullshit who write the newspapers”. The interview was on Chi, his weekly! Patrizia is a fury with Tommaso: “I haven’t fallen, bitch!”. Then he apologizes with a lot of kisses. Peace made, but the countess’s vaffas continue: “So beautiful, so bitch. Shut up! “. Advertising.

00.41: Dance rehearsal coming for Matilde, with Tommaso and Andrea; the budget for the first week is up for grabs. Meanwhile, Alfonso asks the singles (Patrizia, Flavia and Dayane) to reach the confessional and sends the clip on the next Vippone: Pierpaolo Petrelli.

00.49: The ex velino is blindfolded in the bedroom. Antonella asks him to take off his shirt. He is joined by De Blanck and Mello for a blind date. Advertising.

1.05: Signorini stings: “Can I connect with the ballroom or do I get a warning from Carlucci?”.

1.08: First nomination. The most named VIP will not go to televoting, but they don’t know it in the House. It’s up to women: they can only name men.

1.10: The first to be called to the confessional is Dayane: she names Massimiliano why “He never looked at me”. Then Patrizia: nominate Tommaso why “I forgive but I don’t forget”. And Adua: Massimiliano appoints for obvious reasons.

1.15: Brandi, Zelletta and Zorzi dance. From the study, yes: test passed, spending budget conquered.

1.17: Back to the nominations with Flavia in the confessional: nominate Andrea at random. Matilde closes: he appoints Massimiliano why “I did not like this diatribe with the ex-girlfriend”. Advertising.

1.28: The most named is Morra, who expected it: “I had no doubt”. The punishment is the mega washing machine: he will have to sleep there. But the place is for two: the actor decides to take Enock with him. “What a cul0!”, comments the footballer.

1.31: Signorini greets his Vippos: “I’ll see you Friday”. Then he announces: everyone goes to televoting, which is positive. Go to the voting: the most voted will be immune in the nominations of the next episode.

1.34: The episode ends here. Appointment Friday. Good night to all.

Big Brother Vip 5: previews of the first episode

Live on Canale 5, starting at around 9.40pm, Alfonso Signorini leads the first episode of the fifth edition of Big Brother Vip. With him in the studio, as commentators, baby and the former gieffina Antonella Elia in place of Wanda Nara.

The debut will mainly be characterized by the entry into the House of the new ‘Vippons’ who have agreed to get involved in reality TV. In total there are 21, but 11 will enter this evening: Fausto Leali, Enock Barwuah, Dayane Mello, Tommaso Zorzi, Patrizia De Blanck, Adua Del Vesco, Massimiliano Morra, Flavia Vento, Matilde Brandi, Andrea Zelletta e Pierpaolo Pretelli. In the second episode of Friday 18 September it will be the turn of the remaining 10: Elisabetta Gregoraci, Stefania Orlando, Paolo Brosio, Fulvio Abbate, Myriam Catania, Denis Dosio, Francesca Pepe, Francesco Oppini, Maria Teresa Ruta and her daughter Guenda Goria.

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