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“Big Brother”: The 34th Episode Recap – New Competitors Enter and Nominations Are Revealed

05 February 202420:28

Two new competitors enter: Simona Tagli and Alessio Falsone. Stefano, Beatrice, Vittorio and Federico end up in the nominations

“Big Brother”, the emotions of the thirty-fourth episode

In the thirty-fourth episode of “Big Brother” singer Cornflower he retires and abandons the House. Two new competitors cross the Red Door: the showgirl and presenter of the 90s Simona Cutson his big return to TV, and Alessio Falsoneentrepreneur and football coach. Greece e Rosy they are the protagonists of two tender surprises. The first time she meets her ex-husband Marcelo, the most important man in her life, from whom she separated 20 years ago, but who remains her point of reference, Rosy embraces her two youngest children again her. Giuseppe, in great shape, is back in the Cinecittà loft. Stefano is the first candidate for elimination. Beatrice, Vittorio and Federico end up in the nominations. Beatrice, after a heated discussion with Signorini who labeled her as “self-absorbed”, invites her audience to vote for her to leave.

Joseph and the great scare On Friday evening Giuseppe felt ill. Everything seemed calm but suddenly the situation worsened. “Thank goodness everything turned out well, Giuseppe was immediately treated and discharged the following day”, says Alfonso Signorini introducing the boy in the studio. “I got on the treadmill, I ate very little, and while running at high speed I felt sick, I ran for an hour and 15 minutes, then I rested a bit and when I went to the bathroom I fainted”, says the Calabrian barman. That now he is ready to start again stronger than before by unexpectedly entering the House and greeting everyone warmly.

The relationship between Beatrice and Vittorio “Vittorio is not a person who can be manipulated, he minds his own business, talks to whoever he wants and when he wants…”, Beatrice defends herself against Letizia’s accusations. “And then I would like to add that even if no one will believe me, it is Vittorio who has influences on me, so much so that I call him Papi”, continues the actress. Cesara Buonamici defends him: “I don’t think he is a child in Beatrice’s hands”. Massimiliano intervenes: “Vittorio wasn’t all that sincere. I have an excellent relationship with him, but I saw in him both a sweet and sensitive boy and a great player.”

Face to face between Perla and Mirko Signorini shows the images of “Temptation Island” in which Perla clearly says that she does not want to create a family because first she must feel “realized as a woman”. And there’s a surprise for her. That is, a face to face with the ex Mirko, who returns to the scene of the crime. “Perla has matured a lot and is there for everyone to see”, begins Mirko. “This is the only way to understand what’s inside you, I’m not looking for answers, I don’t have them either, I’m giving myself a lot of time to understand and understand myself. Soon it will be a year of Temptation, it’s right that I understand your state of mind. I would like to take stock of the situation with the new Perla”. “Today I no longer make the mistakes of yesterday, I would never say bad things about you”, replies Perla. “Today I am understanding the person I am and I am trying to get involved, if I have to base myself on the days we spent together in the house I can tell you that I had a good time with you, my ideas are not very clear, but I would like to know from you too, what think of me.” “Being outside isn’t easy for me, I don’t have the chance to interact with you…”, continues Mirko. “But is there no way to recover someone who has been eliminated?” asks Buonamici. “If it were up to me, I would lock them in a suite and throw away the key”, replies Signorini. Perla and Mirko hug and say goodbye and she gives him a bracelet. “And anyway, I’m thinking of you,” Perla tells him.

Greta between Sergio and Vittorio Greta talks about her relationship with Sergio: “Sergio is a friend to me, but I’ve been trying to free myself for a week. We’re getting to know each other, there’s a lot of empathy, he’s very ironic and funny, I don’t know how to define him, it’s an acquaintance and I don’t set limits for myself. Today it’s nothing, maybe in a year it’ll be something more.” But do you also have Vittorio in mind? “No, there is a special relationship with Vittorio, I love him very much, he is my point of reference. With Vittorio there is a relationship of trust, it is as deep as me. We are looking for peace. I get along well with both of them”.

The new competitor Alessio Greta and Anita first meet Alessio Falsone. 31-year-old entrepreneur and football coach who comes from Naples but lives in Vigevano and works in Milan. “I hope that Falsone is just the surname”, begins Anita. And then they take the boy to the living room. “You won’t have an easy life, because you entered the race, but you will have a way to make yourself known,” Signorini tells him. Alessio defines himself as “ambitious and very competitive”. Currently single, he says he has already spotted some girls to court within the House. Will he be able to find love?

Fiordaliso leaves the house “I can’t take it anymore, I’ve reached the end of this adventure, I didn’t think I’d get this far. Outside the house I want to have them in my life, I’ll see them all, they’re all my children, it’s an extended family, it’s a special and magical edition, I didn’t want to say that I was leaving, I felt like I was betraying them”, says Fiordaliso. “I’ll wait for you next week here in the studio with me, I thank you for your spirit of listening and welcoming, but you have to tell your teammates that you’re leaving… we’re losing a column, she’s never played, she’s always been itself”, intervenes Alfonso Signorini. “I’m leaving you guys, I love you very much, but I can’t stand staying in here anymore, I feel like I’m betraying you but I can’t stand it. I can’t stay in here, I love you, I’m waiting for you outside, I’m happy because I won’t have to name anyone… I lived there until the end, my adventure ends here, I am healed here”, explains the singer. And she comes out to the tune of “I don’t want the moon”.

New clash between Massimiliano and Beatrice After a period of truce, relations between Beatrice and Massimiliano have soured again. Beatrice, speaking with Vittorio, proposed that he team up with her so as to eliminate Max. And she is keen to point out that it was never her intention for her to influence Vittorio. Alfonso asks why Beatrice finds that the actor has a “dark side” within him. She, the actress, replies that she perceived this negativity in her right away and that she had to suffer all kinds of verbal abuse. Cesara asks her why she told Max he was “not balanced.” Beatrice explains that even while she saw her crying she tried to attack her by telling her that she was only looking for visibility. Massimiliano returns to the living room angrily. A doubt, however, assails Alfonso: why does the actor get along with everyone except Beatrice? According to the actress, the man is really angry with her because he doesn’t submit to her will. Now they are further apart than ever.

Simona Tagli is a new competitor Simona Tagli enters the Big Brother House. Signorini does not tell her that the boys are connected and asks her for some opinions from the Confessional: “They have always known each other, they are united but I am a warrior, I am ready to fight them. As a hairdresser I pay attention to the look, to Beatrice who has curls felted and give her a lighter character with an angular personality. To Anita I would only add the shape. I would ruffle her up, in my opinion she still thinks of Mirko. As a single person I am intrigued by Maddaloni but he is married. I am chaste but I am a mother I am not a saint” .

Grecia meets ex Marcelo Alfonso sends Grecia Colmenares into Mystery and subjects her to a fun little game: she will have to wear a blindfold and recognize the various Tenants of the House from the touch of a kiss. The first to make her entrance is Giuseppe but Grecia cannot understand whose kiss it is. The second attempt is, however, a success and she recognizes Federico at the first try. The last one to participate in the game is Marcelo who gives her a kiss on her forehead. Shyly, Grecia’s hands explore her ex-husband’s face and, after caressing him, the woman puts forward a hypothesis: “Marcelo?”, she whispers. Having removed the blindfold, the actress explodes with joy and passionately embraces the father of her son. The actress is very happy, she has never loved anyone as much as she loved Marcelo.

The nomination Stefano is the first candidate for elimination. Greta nominates Federico. Giuseppe names Vittorio. Stefano nominates Giuseppe. Massimiliano nominates Beatrice. Beatrice nominates Massimiliano. Letizia nominates Beatrice, Sergio nominates Federico, Anita nominates Vittorio, Vittorio nominates Rosy, Marco nominates Beatrice, Perla nominates Beatrice, Federico nominates Sergio, Paolo nominates Beatrice, Grecia nominates Beatrice, Rosy nominates Beatrice.

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    2024-02-06 00:33:49

    #Big #Brother #Fiordaliso #leaves #House

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