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Big Brother: New Competitors Revealed and Ratings Recovery Hopes

Il Big Brother it doesn’t take off and is ready to take action. After yet another anonymous prime time in terms of ratings yesterday, Alfonso Signorini has in fact announced the arrival of new competitors. After Mirko Brunetti, Giampiero Mughini and Jill Cooper, therefore, the reality show is still trying to climb back up through fresh faces, ready to make their entry into the most watched house in Italy and shuffle the cards. Let’s find out who the main suspects are.

Big Brotherthe new competitors: who are the candidates

During the episode of Big Brother yesterday Thursday 2 November 2023 (yet another to record lukewarm ratings, anchored at 17.4% share), Alfonso Signorini has confirmed that the iconic red door of Cinecittà will reopen to welcome new tenants in the most spied on house in Italy. After scolded directly to the current young gieffini (“Your complaints are boring”), the host has in fact announced that in the next episodes they will arrive other competitors: “Friends, here we are, as you all know the Big Brother machine never stops. And so I tell you that other competitors will soon enter.”

Signorini did not specify whether the new entries they will be vip o nip. It is easy to assume that the Big Brother points up celebrities to rise in the ratings, but the host did not rule out the possibility of having new faces unknown to the world of entertainment: “And who knows, these contestants could be you too. Feel free to send in your application”.

The most likely names – needless to say – are those of Perla Vatiero e Greta Rossetti. Il Gf he would in fact intend to recreate the triangle loving with Mirko Brunetti protagonist of the latest edition of Temptation Island and ride the success of Filippo Bisciglia’s reality show. Greta has already been a guest in the 13th episode, while Perla wrote a letter to Mirko in the 15th (and, as if that wasn’t enough, the two “caught” each other again on social media): the voices they have been chasing each other for a long time there are all the clues to suggest their entry into the house.

The one that leads to also remains a hot trail Rosanna Brotherannounced as a competitor by several newspapers before this 17th edition of Big Brother left, as well as the name of Jane Alexanderto whom Signorini proposed to enter the reality show live after the confrontation with Beatrice.

Yesterday’s ratings

Alfonso Signorini and the team of Big Brother they therefore hope that the new names will help the show recover in ratings, in a season that is anything but exciting. Yesterday, Thursday 2 November 2023, yet another lukewarm prime time arrived at the 17.4% share, equal to 2 million and 342 thousand spectators. Once again, Rai 1’s fiction triumphs Blanca 2 (22.6% share and more than 4 million viewers).

2023-11-03 10:11:00
#Big #Brother #Signorini #announces #competitors

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