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Big Brother Italy 2023: Anticipated Departure, New Cast, and Competitor Reveal

Surprise the Big Brother anticipates his departure of a week. Compared to the original date of 18 September, the program hosted by Alfonso Signorini anticipates its kick off on Monday 11 September”, writes the site in preview tvblog. And so the Canale 5 reality show, hosted by Alfonso Signorini, “will therefore present its many novelties as early as Monday 11 September 2023, in prime time”.

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In short, in addition to “a hybrid cast, made up of nip and vip” and “a brand new columnist in the person of Cesara Buonamici“, which will also be the only one on the program “as in the days when Alfonso Signorini was himself”, there will be a change “also for the face that will take care of monitoring the social area of ​​the program. In fact, as anticipated by these columns, Giulia Salemi. That therefore she will no longer be part of the cast of the Canale 5 variety show “, reads the article.

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This anticipated departure “will also serve to allow the program to fuel immediately with the presentation of the competitors in the race”. In fact, it cannot be hidden that compared to the ratings, that of the first episodes of the reality show is always “a bit difficult”. And, in this regard, it concludes, “we can also anticipate that all the competitors, a dozen nip and a dozen VIPs, will be presented in the first episode”.

2023-07-24 16:30:00
#Alfonso #Signorini #Buonamici #revolution #Mediaset #upsets

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