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Biden’s reform agenda before the end: Failed because of its own party

Status: December 20, 2021 6:21 p.m.

Billions for the climate, relief for families, the expansion of health services: Biden’s reforms were to become the political legacy of the US president. Now they threaten to fail because of their own party.

By Ralf Borchard, ARD-Studio Washington

It is a major setback for US President Joe Biden just before the end of the year. For weeks he had negotiated personally with the Democratic Senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, had put all his weight as president on the scales, had cut the size of his climate protection and social package by half.

Now came Manchin’s surprising no, announced on Fox News: “If I can’t explain it to the people back home in West Virginia, I can’t vote for it. And I just can’t,” said Manchin, who added, “This is a no. “

Triumph for Republicans

It’s about more than $ 500 billion that Biden wants to invest in climate protection measures, it is about more than one trillion dollars in childcare, health services and tax relief for families. The package is at the core of Biden’s political agenda and should become his political legacy alongside the scaled-down infrastructure package.

Senator Manchin cited high inflation as the main reason for his rejection, which could be exacerbated by further spending. In addition, the coal industry in Manchin’s home state Biden fears planned climate protection measures. Many opposition Republicans triumph. Senator Tom Cotton, for example, called Machins No an “early Christmas present to the American people”.

On the other hand, the initial reaction from the White House was outraged. Presidential spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a written statement that this was a breach of Manchin’s obligations to the president and to his Democratic party colleagues in the House and Senate.

Sanders still wants to vote

Senator Bernie Sanders, who helped shape Biden’s legislative package, spoke out in favor of voting anyway. “If Manchin doesn’t have the courage to do what’s right for working class families in West Virginia and America, then let him vote no in front of the world,” said Sanders.

It is still unclear whether this is the final end for President Biden’s climate protection and social plans, or whether there will be attempts in the New Year to save at least parts of the package. Biden spokeswoman Psaki announced further talks with the conservative Democrat Manchin. His vote is required due to the wafer-thin majority in the Senate. The question, however, is whether the progressive wing of the Democrats would support further slimming down of the legislative package.

Biden’s approval ratings drop

Joe Biden’s reputation was clearly weakened towards the end of the year. The omicron variant of the coronavirus is also spreading in the USA, the inflation rate is higher than it has been for almost 40 years, now the temporary end for the climate protection and social package. According to a recent survey, the approval rate for Biden’s policy is only 41 percent.

Failed because of its own party – Biden’s reform agenda about to end

Ralf Borchard, ARD Washington, December 20, 2021 5:51 p.m.

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