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Biden’s Declaration of Victory One Month… Trump’Stop theft’

5 o’clock political vice meeting #opposition presentation


Exactly one month has passed since President-elect Joe Biden declared his presidential victory. However, President Donald Trump continued his dissent in his first campaign after the presidential election today (7th). Let’s look at the related news in the presentation of the class leader Joonwoo Park.


[가야 할 때가 언제인가를 분명히 알고 가는 이의 뒷모습은 얼마나 아름다운가 분분한 낙화. 결별이 이룩하는 축복에 싸여 지금은 가야 할 때]

This is a verse from poet Lee Hyung-ki’s poem’Nakhwa’. However, my senior leader Seok-seung Ko seems to have left his regrets in the politics meeting. He has now gone, but, as if he is sorry, he has left a lot of traces of himself all over the office. On the other hand, Choi Jong-hyuk, the head of the class, has no regrets. I immediately cleared the desk and posted a photo of the certification.

The late Captain’Former’ also put all his luggage in the box, so please take it with you when you have time. There are people who have regrets in their seats, like the high class leader, in far away countries. This is US President Donald Trump. On the 4th local time, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced that he had officially certified Joe Biden’s victory. With this, Biden has surpassed the’magic number’ of 270 people, which is the standard of the majority of the electoral corps required for election confirmation. By adding 55 Californians, we have secured a total of 279 electors. However, President Trump, who took the first public campaign more than a month after the presidential election, said:

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 5일) : 그들은 부정행위를 했고 우리의 대통령 선거를 조작했지만 우리는 여전히 이길 것입니다. 우리는 여전히 그것을 이길 것입니다. (도둑질은 그만! 도둑질은 그만! 도둑질은 그만!) 졌으면 졌다고 말하고 플로리다로 돌아가서 쉬면서 ‘잘 싸웠다’라고 얘기할 겁니다. 하지만 민주당이 선거를 훔치고, 조작하고, 강탈할 때는 절대 용납할 수 없습니다.]

They continued the claim that this presidential election was fabricated. He also expressed doubts about Biden’s policy toward North Korea. In particular, he mentioned the situation in which he confronted North Korea during his tenure. He expressed his pride that “I prevented the crisis of war by building a personal relationship with Chairman Kim Jong-un.” In fact, President Trump has always referred to Chairman Kim as a’friend’. But Biden sarcastically said it would be difficult to get along with Chairman Kim.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 5일) : 많은 사람들이 내 성격으로 미뤄봤을 때 바로 (북한과) 전쟁을 할 것이라고 생각했습니다. 그들은 전쟁이 일어날 거라고 했지만 우리는 관계를 발전시켰습니다. 바이든이 북한의 김정은과 어떻게 할지 지켜봅시다. 그가 잘할 거라고 생각하지 않아요.]

Biden’s other foreign policies were also cut down. It’s a climate change convention signed in Paris in 2015. It’s an agreement signed by former US President Barack Obama. It contains information on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in stages to prevent global warming. But President Trump withdrew from the treaty, arguing that “the Paris Convention was designed to kill the US economy, not to protect the environment.” But Biden is in the midst of bringing this agreement back.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 5일) : 민주당이 가장 먼저 하고 싶어 하는 것 첫째, 파리기후협약을 되돌리려고 할 겁니다. 많은 돈이 들 텐데 말이죠. 그 협약은 미국을 파괴시키기 위한 겁니다. 두 번째로 그들이 원하는 건 이란에 수십억 달러를 주는 겁니다. 이란이야 물론 행복하겠죠.]

It means that the Democratic Party will also bring back the Iranian nuclear agreement. In simple terms, it’s like, “I blocked all the’money leaks’ during my tenure, but Biden will do that again.” Here, for a moment, it’s worth noting where Trump made this speech. It is a Georgian owner with a strong Republican garden image. Now Georgia has emerged as the final match for the US Senate majority. The Senate consists of 100 seats. Currently, the Republican Party holds 50 seats and the Democratic Party holds 48 seats, including two independent members of the Democratic Party. However, the state of Georgia, which has two seats, has not yet decided to vote for the finals. As for the Democratic Party, it is urgent, as the number of seats equals 50-50 when both of these seats are occupied. In the end, both Biden and Trump are focusing their firepower on Georgia, and the second leg of the presidential election is taking place.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 5일) : 민주당은 속임수를 써야만 이길 수 있습니다. 조작하지 않는 한 조지아 주에서 이길 수 없어요. 민주당은 그 누구보다 속임수를 잘 쓰거든요. 이런 측면에선 공화당이 훨씬 낫습니다.]

[조 바이든/미국 대통령 당선인 (현지시간 10월 27일) : 우리가 상원 선거를 뒤집는 게 얼마나 중요한지는 모두 아실 겁니다. 그 싸움에서 조지아주보다 중요한 주는 없습니다.]

I was able to see Trump’s dance without fail at this campaign site. Trump shakes his body leisurely to the song. It’s no different from the campaign a month ago. I miss our classmate Choi, who suddenly left beautifully. It looks like he hasn’t lost his time yet, but in fact, it is on a’slope thatch’ now. CNN reported that “out of the 50 Trump Camp lawsuits, the result of 35 cases judged by the court by the last 3rd was ‘1 Win 34 Lose'”. It is said that the amount invested in the lawsuit against the presidential election is about 8.8 million dollars, and about 10 billion won in our money. Nevertheless, it is losing streak.

Entourages also started turning their backs one by one. Trump’s loyalty, Justice Secretary William Bar, said he saw no scams that could reverse the election results. The poll results are also bad. The Washington Post conducted an investigation into the Senate and House of Representatives asking who was the winner of the presidential election. There were 27 people who admitted that Biden won a total of 249 Senators and Houses of Representatives from the Republican Party. On the other hand, there were only two lawmakers who said Trump won. 220 lawmakers have not yet answered who is the winner.

There is another bad news for’to make matters worse’. The former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who led Trump’s lawsuit against the presidential election, was infected with the coronavirus.

[트럼프 (음성대역) : 미국 역사상 가장 부패한 선거를 폭로하며 지칠 줄 모르고 일해온 루디 줄리아니가 중국 바이러스에 양성 반응을 보였습니다.]

Giuliani has been active throughout the United States to overturn the results of the recent presidential election. Because of this, it seems likely that you were exposed to the virus. In Trump’s case, Giuliani’s infection is expected to face even more difficulties in future lawsuits as the bad news overlaps.

Today’s opposition presentation is summarized as follows.

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