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Biden Zelenski confirms US support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity

President of the United States Joe Biden, on Wednesday at the White House meeting with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, reaffirmed Washington’s support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

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“The United States continues to strongly support Ukraine ‘s sovereignty and territorial integrity Russian under conditions of aggression and Ukraine ‘s Euro – Atlantic aspirations, “said Biden in a joint press briefing with Zelensky.

Prior to the meeting between the two presidents, the Baiden administration announced that the United States would provide Ukraine with new military assistance worth up to $ 60 million, stating that it was necessary due to a significant increase in Russian military activity at Ukraine’s borders and a violation of the Donbass ceasefire agreement. As part of the planned assistance, it is also planned to supply anti-tank missiles “Javelin” to Ukraine. As a result, Washington will provide military assistance this year Kiev totaling more than $ 400 million.

Zelensky thanked for this help.

“The war in Donbass has been going on for eight years, and we have lost 15,000 people,” Zelensky said.

However, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki did not specifically answer on Wednesday whether Biden would be ready to support Ukraine’s accession. NATO. She noted that the United States alone could not decide on this and stressed that the United States supported Ukraine’s efforts to reform the defense sector and take other measures necessary to enable the country to begin its path to membership in the North Atlantic Alliance.

The United States “continues to call for NATO’s door to remain open to all who wish to join,” Psaki told reporters.

“There are measures that Ukraine must take. They know very well what they are,” Psaki said.

The two presidents also discussed Ukraine’s concerns about Washington’s decision to lift sanctions on the gas pipeline.Nord Stream 2“project participants. Kiev is excited that this gas pipeline laid along Baltic the seabed will connect Russia and Germany, Moscow could be used as a geopolitical weapon against Ukraine, through which much of Russia’s gas exports to Europe now pass. A statement issued after the meeting between Biden and Zelensky said that the United States would take action to secure gas supplies to Ukraine.

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