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Biden: US military out of Afghanistan early | Abroad

Biden said the US had come to Afghanistan to punish the terrorists responsible for the 2001 attacks. “We didn’t go to Afghanistan to make a new country.” According to Biden, Afghan leaders have come together “to work for the future.”

Earlier, US media wrote that US intelligence services believe that the Afghan government could fall within six months. There was also pessimism from the Pentagon. But Biden said the Taliban’s takeover is “not inevitable.” He says the Afghans have good American material and the US will continue to support the country in other ways.

The Taliban are taking over large parts of Afghanistan. The Afghan army is losing. Hundreds of soldiers have fled their own country. Wherever the Taliban have regained power, women’s rights immediately seem to suffer.


But “fighting for another year is not a solution,” Biden said. He states that soldiers are now fighting whose parents were also in Afghanistan. “I will not send another generation of Americans to war.”

Thousands of Afghan interpreters will wait for their US visas in other countries. Their fate is very uncertain if the Taliban take over the country. “There is a home for you in the US,” Biden promises.


The CVVO, the military alliance of Russia and five other former Soviet states, meanwhile indicates that their troops are ready if the Afghan situation worsens.

Also listen to the new defense and international security podcast of De Telegraaf: Delta Tango. Was the Dutch mission in Afghanistan for nothing?

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