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Biden told how they would react to a possible Russian nuclear strike on Ukraine

Nuland warned the Kremlin about the consequences.

The State Department assured that the price for Putin will be astronomical / REUTERS

USA if possible nuclear strike Russia will not be left alone on the territory of Ukraine.

It was stated “European truthU.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

“Although now we are talking about war crimes for which Putin will have to answer, but the use of such weapons will bring the situation to a fundamentally new level. And we will ensure that these consequences occur,” she assured.

To clarifying the question of what consequences are meant, Nuland did not directly answer.

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“I think that in these conditions it is better to refrain from these details. I can only assure you: even compared to those high losses, the high price that the current aggression has for Russia, in this case, the price of Putin’s actions will be simply astronomical,” she said. she is.

Russian nuclear threat

Former Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov implicitly hintedthat in the future his state may use nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

Prior to this, President Volodymyr Zelensky warned that the world needs to get ready to a nuclear strike by the aggressor.

According to Ukrainian and foreign intelligence, Russia is not currently preparing nuclear weapons for use.

In turn, Aleksey Arestovich, Advisor to the Head of the President’s Office warned the Russian leadership against nuclear strikes on the territory of Ukraine.

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