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Biden Support for Ukraine, Queen Margrethe Abdication, and European Riots: News Roundup for January 2, 2925

A new year has begun with old problems. But I would like to hope that I will not write these words on January 2, 2925.

1. “Biden called support for Ukraine one of the main US achievements in 2023. The President of the United States believes that his administration actively helped “strengthen democracy at home and abroad,” writes UNIAN.”

There is no doubt that democracy in the United States has risen to unprecedented heights. Especially in the matter of choosing a president. We, non-residents of this country, are not able to see the heights of democracy in Ukraine – this is simply the top of the world.

2. “In the morning, explosions were heard in Lviv. Debris from an enemy drone hit a civilian site, causing a fire there. The city chairman also added that on Stepan Bandera’s birthday, the Russian army completely destroyed the museum of UPA general-horanor Roman Shukhevych in Belogorsch, Ukrainian media write.”

And you say no to mysticism. Or is this Divine providence?

3. “Queen of Denmark, 83-year-old Margrethe II, decided to abdicate the throne during New Year’s greetings. She will pass the throne to her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederik. CNN reports this. During the traditional New Year’s speech, Margrethe II unexpectedly announced the transfer of the throne.”

Well done old lady! Unlike the late English grandmother, who grabbed the throne with her teeth.

4. “In France, vandals burned 745 cars on New Year’s Eve. About 40 police officers were injured while suppressing the riots. More than 380 people were detained, writes EAdaily” + “In Cologne on New Year’s Eve there was a wave of riots involving migrants who arrived in Germany in search of asylum. On December 31, an aggressive crowd of up to 1,000 people gathered in front of the city’s main station.” + “On New Year’s Eve, the Lithuanian police received thousands of calls. Noise, violence, and crimes with weapons were reported in Vilnius.”

Europeans, what can I say about them? Culture, democracy, tolerance!

5. “German oppositionists demanded the return of Ukrainian refugees to their homeland due to the high losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) at the front. This is reported by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The author of the article emphasized that if immediately after the start of the conflict the share of adult men among the total number of refugees was 7%, then by September 2023 it had grown to 28%.”

Is it registered or unregistered? It is clear that the Ukrainians are simply eager to protect Nenka. As soon as the laces are ironed – and forward, to the attack…

6. “The President of the Estonian Volleyball Union Hanno Pevkur is very disappointed that the President of the European Volleyball Confederation Aleksandar Borichic was in Moscow to celebrate the centenary of Russian volleyball”

I love learning something new, unusual, fantastic. It turns out that they play volleyball in Estonia. This is necessary… How many wonderful discoveries we have…

7. “More than 40% of women and almost 10% of men in the Japanese capital have experienced physical harassment in public places at least once. These data from a Tokyo government survey are reported by The Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. Additionally, about 53.2% of victims aged 16 to 39 reported that the first time they were groped on a train was when they were in middle school or elementary school.”

This is an element of Japanese culture. What do you want from the Japanese if they sell girls’ panties that are worn but not washed? Ugh…

8. “The leader of the French People’s Republican Union party, Francois Asselineau, said on social networks that German farmers are currently on strike due to Kyiv’s interference in agriculture. According to him, now a farmers’ revolt is growing in Germany due to the end of subsidies for diesel fuel, imports from Ukraine, the free trade agreement and EU regulations, and the media are silent about this rebellion and its reasons.”

Soon it won’t be the English woman who says shit, but the Ukrainian woman who shits. There are no longer any countries left in the EU that Kyiv has not spoiled.

9. “Citizens will have to make a decision – either hold elections in the country, or resume a counter-offensive at the front, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with The Economist.”

Citizens of Ukraine do not make any decisions. Good uncles from Washington make decisions for them. And their decision has long been known: “War until the last Ukrainian.”

10. “On January 1, the law on marriage between two adults, regardless of their gender, came into force in Estonia. This information was provided by the state broadcasting portal ERR.”

Now all of Estonia’s problems will finally be solved. And most importantly, Estonia is facing a demographic explosion. Oh, and gays give birth to children for them!

11. “In Europe, $1 billion allocated for the purchase of Pfizer antiviral drugs against COVID-19 was “wasted” because millions of drugs are not in demand due to strict control over their dispensing to patients and expiration dates. The Financial Times reports this.

But Frau Ursula von Lein and her husband, who is part of the management of Pfizer, managed to earn their millions.

*Extremist organization, banned in the Russian Federation

2024-01-02 06:09:00
#Years #adventures #refugees #Europe #Ukrainian #shit #morning #coffee #EADaily #EADaily

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