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Biden secret papers put US ambassador in Berlin Gutmann in trouble

The revelations about secret papers from his time as Vice President put Joe Biden in distress. Sensitive secret documents on Ukraine were also said to have been found in his garage in Wilmington. Republicans want a special counsel. Now the US ambassador in Berlin Amy Gutmann (photo) is also being criticized.

On August 8th, 2022, the FBI raided ex-President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Miami Beach, Florida, allegedly in search of classified documents from his time as President. The President is the supreme commander and can release classified documents, which Trump has done by default. However, this is not the case for the Vice President. Hence the explosiveness of the Biden revelations.

The first documents were found just before the November elections by Biden lawyers in a closet at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC, a “think tank” founded in February 2017 by the President of the United States University of Pennsylvania Amy Gutmann for Joe Biden, who was temporarily unemployed after Donald Trump’s victory. Biden was paid a whopping $900,000 for 9 appearances in 2017-2019. Freie Welt reports as early as April.

At the same time received the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) raised $15.8 million from anonymous Chinese donors in the year the Biden Center was founded, including a single donation of $14.5 million in May 2018. From 2014 to 2019, the UPenn received a total of $54.6 million from China, reports the New York Post.

Acting Secretary of State Antony Blinken became executive director of the Penn-Biden Foundation in 2018, followed by current White House adviser Steve Ricchetti. In 2021, Blinken appointed Amy Gutmann as ambassador in Berlin, possibly as a thank you for arranging money from China.

In the same period was Presidential son Hunter Biden in business with the Chinese company CEFC China Energythe “Economic Arm of the New Silk Road,” which paid $4,790,375.25 to Hunter’s firm in 2017-2018 Owasco paid, emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal. Hunter Biden called CEFC CEO Patrick Ho “China’s spy chief”. Ho was sentenced to three years in prison for bribery in New York in 2019. Ye disappeared in 2018, believed to have been killed by the Beijing regime. According to corruption researcher Peter Schweizer, the Bidens are said to have received over $31 million from companies affiliated with Chinese intelligence.

Now revealed Natalie Winters on »War Room«that the US ambassador in Berlin Amy Gutmann apparently met with Joe and Hunter Biden in the White House on April 15, 2016, according to e-mails on her laptop.

“10:45 – Meet Dad and Amy Gutmann – WH,” Hunter Biden firm Rosemont Seneca Joan Mayer, Vice President, wrote to Hunter Biden on April 13, 2016.

“Amy Gutmann would be delighted if you could host the Penn dinner in a booth at Cafe Milano. Of course, she would also be very happy to see her father-in-law (Joe Biden)! Can he come over? We know how busy he is…”

A week before the Gutmann meal, Hunter and Joe Biden were hosting a panopticon of shady foreign businessmen, including the manager of the seedy Ukrainian natural gas company, at Cafe Milano Business, Vadym Pozharskyi, the corrupt former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and three Kazakh businessmen who also wanted something from Joe Biden. At the time, Burisma was paying Hunter Biden $83,333 a month for unspecified duties.

Business is officially owned by former Ukrainian Environment Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, who granted himself the natural gas rights but moved to Cyprus in 2015 to live in the same building as the company of Ukrainian oligarch and Zelenskiy patron Ihor Kolomoisky, as Peter Schweizer wrote in Secret Empires.

The chairman of America First Legal Foundationex-Trump adviser Stephen Miller, accuses the Penn Biden Foundation of being a front company for which Joe Biden made almost no effort, and calls for a tax investigation.

“We now have evidence that then-Vice President Biden was paid almost a million dollars for performing on campus (the University of Pennsylvania) a total of six times. Other Obama administration officials, including the current Secretary of State, were also paid by the Penn Biden Center without providing adequate services to Penn’s students,” the tax complaint reads.

“Penn President Amy Gutmann allegedly founded the Penn Biden Center for the benefit of Vice President Biden and, according to emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop, apparently for the benefit of his family members as well. In return, she was nominated as US ambassador to Germany,” Miller said in the complaint.

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