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Biden says he does not care that Trump travels to the border with Mexico – Diario Digital Nuestro País

Joe Biden. Pool

Washington, Mar 29 (Sputnik) .- The president of the United States, Joe Biden, played down the intention of his predecessor, Donald Trump, to travel soon to the border with Mexico due to the increase in the migratory flow.

“We are implementing a plan of which I feel very confident, and I do not care what the other does,” Biden said in statements to the press collected by the MSNBC channel.

In a recent telephone interview with Fox News, the former White House tenant announced that he could visit the border with Mexico in the next two weeks, given the immigration crisis facing the administration of his successor.

After settling in the Oval Office, President Joe Biden struck down several measures on migrants imposed by Donald Trump, notably banning the removal of unaccompanied migrant children.

Since the arrival of Biden to the presidency, the exodus of Central American migrants crossing territory to the US border has been reactivated, estimated at some 100,000 people in February, four times more than last June, due to the expectation of the new immigration policies against the racism and xenophobia of previous years. (Sputnik)

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