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Biden receives colleagues from Japan, Australia and India

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – US President Joe Biden will receive the heads of government from Japan, Australia and India for a summit meeting in the White House at the end of next week. The meeting underscores the importance of US engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, the White House said on Monday. It is about “meeting the challenges of the 21st century through new multilateral compositions”. At the summit, the fight against the corona pandemic, the climate crisis and the security of a free Indo-Pacific region should also play a role.

For the United States, observers believe that the four-party alliance is also a means of strengthening coordination with democratic allies in the region in order to counter China’s claim to supremacy in Asia.

The meeting on Friday next week (September 24th) with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison will be the Quartet’s first face-to-face meeting, the White House said. In March there was a virtual summit of the group known as “Quad” in English. In March, the four states announced a joint initiative to expand production capacities for corona vaccines in India.

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