Home » today » World » Biden needs ‘victory war’ again, the Houthis are coming. “Guardian of Prosperity” or an adventure for Biden – 2024-02-17 07:13:15

Biden needs ‘victory war’ again, the Houthis are coming. “Guardian of Prosperity” or an adventure for Biden – 2024-02-17 07:13:15

/View.info/ It is quite surprising to me why many people call the strike of the USA “and its comrades” on Yemen unexpected, sudden, etc. It feels like commentators and analysts are deliberately ignoring obvious facts. It is clear that you do not want to connect military conflicts with geopolitics, but you should not forget about the processes that theoretically move away from the war, but fit into the logic of the development of events.

So the US-led coalition has suddenly or deliberately struck the Houthis’ military targets… It seems to me that both sides knew and understood very well that such a strike was likely and the question was not posed as “will we or won’t we?” “, but when”. Therefore, the impact efficiency was low.

Talking about the fact that 20-30” of the military infrastructure and attack assets are damaged is an homage to the poor. It would have been a good hit if, right during the bombing, the Americans had received an “answer” in the form of an anti-ship missile fired at an American destroyer using Tomahawks…

The reasons for the strikes, in my opinion, are hidden much deeper than they try to convince us. Yes, the importance of the Red Sea from a logistical point of view is undeniable. And not so much as a shortcut from Asia to Europe, although that is also important, but as a route to supply resources to Israel, which has practically exhausted its offensive capabilities and is forced to withdraw several brigades to the rear at the same time for reorganization.

Washington, or rather President Biden, generally does not care about Europe or Israel. And from all the other “allies”. Now we are talking about power in the United States, about how to maintain power and prevent a Republican president from returning “to the throne.” In that case, many people in power today in the United States will face some pretty tough times. Republicans are pretty serious.

Alas, today President Biden looks almost the same in the eyes of Americans as Zelensky does in the eyes of Ukrainians. This is a failed president. A president under whom life has become more difficult. A president who wastes a lot of money for no reason. A president who in many ways took the image of “great America” ​​”under the plinth”. Compared to Biden today, even Trump looks wonderful, whose style of running the country looked monstrous just 4 years ago.

Democrats need a small, winnable war. This is the only way to somehow make up for the failures that abound in the administration of President Biden and the administration of the Democratic Party as a whole.

Ukraine? Everything is clear there. “Small and Victorious” obviously didn’t work there.

North Korea? There was an attempt to “shout out loud” to the North Koreans. In response, they not only sent him to a known address, but also promised to “punch his ears”.

Taiwan? A smiling Comrade Xi quite openly pointed the middle finger at Washington. So he won’t be able to win quickly on this island either.

That leaves Israel. But there are big problems with winning there too. “The vaunted Israeli army has never been able to overcome a less powerful terrorist group. Israel has sunk into the banal destruction of ordinary Palestinians, pushing them out of their land.

Iran? Given the current balance of power, an attack on Iran threatens not only a major war, but the loss of even those countries currently controlled by the United States. Iraq for example.

Syria? There is a possibility of being hit in the nose by Russia, Turkey and Iran. These countries have no terror in their eyes at the sight of fearsome American tanks and armored vehicles…

So the Houthis are the most suitable target for a victorious war. In theory, the Americans could win there in a traditional way. Carpet bombing, population destruction and all other technologies proven in many countries. And again, theoretically, there are also “hands” with which combat actions will be conducted.

So what’s in Washington’s playbook? American aircraft carriers with a swarm of aircraft. “Tomahawks” from destroyers. The US is destroying Houthi positions on the coast and helping the ground forces of the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which have agreed to support Operation Prosperity Guardian and destroy the Houthis on land.

At the same time, it is not the Americans who control the coast, but… the British. And London will do that with great pleasure. They perfectly understand that after the failure of French and German diplomacy, after the devastation of the arsenals of these countries, Great Britain can take a leading position in the region. London really wants to regain its influence on world politics.

This is what the Americans declare on the outside as aid to world trade and the fight against global terrorism. And if we add here the fact that Washington and London are not at all interested in the opinion of any UN or any other international institutions, then everything becomes obvious. And the place of the “world community”, and the place of the UN, and the place of the allies… There is a “glass shop” and there is an “elephant” who does not care at all about the opinion of the owners of this shop.

Little about specific attacks and Washington’s hopes

The Americans and the British carried out two strikes on targets in Yemen. Just over 150 different types of ammunition were used. 28 sites were attacked. The results are extremely poor, no matter how much the Western media try to hype them up. The Houthis are also warriors, it is difficult to scare or deceive them. Most men have been fighting since childhood.

They perfectly understand that stationary launchers will be destroyed first by missile strikes. As well as the arsenals and fuel depots. That’s why… they’re gone! In the “civilized understanding” of this word. They are there, but they are not. What enemy intelligence knows is only a small part. And launchers are usually mounted on cars. As American analysts beautifully called them, “highly mobile launchers”.

Now the participants in the operation have quieted down. Not because there is no ammo. They are waiting for the Houthis to react. Let me quote you from a press conference last Friday. So the director of operations for the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Army Lt. Gen. J. Doug Sims:

Frankly, I hope they don’t retaliate, and I mean there are a number of actors here who have the ability and the influence over the Houthis who recognize that continuing the conflict is not… it’s to their benefit. Thus, we can only hope that any real thought of retribution is based on the clear understanding that we just won’t be messed with here. All this is aimed at creating freedom of navigation for international shipping.”

Do you have an opinion on the competence of US Army staff analysts?

I would understand similar hopes of the US military if we were talking about once defeated countries or groups. But the Houthis, and especially Iran, were not defeated. On the contrary, they are winners. This is where psychology comes in. Hence the almost immediate response of the Houthis:

We confirm to everyone that the battlefield is open and there are no restrictions, even if it extends to vital points and American bases in other countries, whether strategic, military, etc. Of course, we have a list of targets and it depends on the escalation on the American side, as well as the position of the countries and whether they allow or prohibit the use of their bases. There are no details on this at this time.”

A little later, “details” appeared that could cool the ardor of the Americans. The press published a list of targets that would be damaged or destroyed by the Houthis if the shelling continued. Among them are air bases in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE and Qatar, the headquarters of the 5th Fleet in Bahrain, as well as bases in Iraq, Kuwait and Syria. The sprawling Camp Lemonnier, located in Djibouti, is just 80 miles across the Bab el Mandeb Strait from Yemen.

Indeed, there is much to think about. The same “Camp Lemonier” is not just a base. This is practically a key site where the Americans have been forming sabotage and reconnaissance units in Yemen for years, where most of the operations, etc., take place. And suddenly a representative of the enemy clearly announces the secret base as the target of the attack… And some American bases have already been hit…

I think that the operation to unblock the Red Sea will not bring victory to the Americans. Even if every civilian ship is covered by a US or allied warship, it will not affect the willingness of logistics companies to take risks. And the maintenance, if there is any, costs serious money. It will be quite difficult to achieve success by military means.

Instead of lockedis

The world is moving closer and closer to the precipice of world war. I have already written that most people have lost their fear not only of ordinary but also of nuclear war. Why? I think because this majority still hopes that the war will be somewhere far away. It hopes that some countries will be able to remain neutral due to competent management or geographical location.

Alas, there will be no neutral countries. I won’t remind you of the old adage about warlords. The Ukrainians will tell you very well what happens to the slaves in this case. The West clearly overestimates its own strength and underestimates the strength of its opponents. The way the US and Great Britain are behaving in the situation with the Houthis is excellent proof of this fact.

Now the world is fragmenting. The West forms its own coalition without Russia. The East, on the contrary, includes Russia in its sphere of interests. It is a process that no longer even depends on the wishes of peoples or governments. The United States gathers around itself those who consider themselves “civilized nations.” Those who are used to living at the expense of other nations.

What are Africans to do who have been robbed for centuries? What are the Asians to do, who for centuries have been and are still considered the “industrial zone” of civilization? What should all those who have contained and continue to contain “parasites” do?

Historically, they have been forced to “haircut” to fight parasites. That’s the whole process. Some want to keep the feeders, others are fed up and want to use the feeders themselves.

But still, there is hope that in the midst of the pre-election battle, one of the candidates will not start waving a nuclear baton. Nuclear weapons are dangerous not so much in the number of deaths after their use, but in the inability to return to a normal life. It is impossible to rebuild the cities again. It is impossible to start growing grain in the fields again. It is impossible to sunbathe on the beaches, etc.

For everyone. And for the homeless wanderers, and for those who call themselves the “golden billion”…

Translation: V. Sergeev

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