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Biden Names Lesbian Black Woman as White House Spokesperson

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

President United States of America, Joe Bidenappointed Karine Jean Pierre as new press secretary White House. She is the first black lesbi woman to hold the position.

“Pierre not only has the experience, talent, and integrity required in this difficult job. He will continue the work of leading communications in the Biden-Harris administration on behalf of the American people,” Biden said in a statement. Reuters.

During his leadership, Biden did want to reflect the diversity in the ranks of the US government which has been dominated by white people.

In addition to welcoming Pierre, Biden also expressed his gratitude for the dedication of Jen Psaki, the former White House press secretary.

“Thank you for raising the bar, communicating directly and honestly with Americans, and maintaining a good sense of humor,” Biden said.

Psaki also expressed her support for Pierre’s appointment.

“He holds this position with a wealth of experience, even though he looks very young. [Penunjukan dia akan memberi] representing many people and showing that anything is possible if you work hard and dream big.”

Trusted as press secretary, Pierre was honored. Press secretary is considered a prestigious job in the White House.

“This is a historic moment and it won’t stop with just me. Standing on this podium is an honor and a privilege,” Pierre said at a press conference at the White House.

With this appointment, Pierre adds to the long list of women who are press secretaries in the White House. The first woman to hold the post was De De Meyers in 1990 under President Bill Clinton.

Pierre himself is no stranger to US politics. During the administration of President Barack Obama, Pierre was head of public affairs for MoveOn.org, a progressive advocacy group.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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