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Biden mistake in Poland

When US President Joe Biden visited US troops stationed in the Polish city of Rzeszów on Friday, he made a statement that the White House would later have to adjust.

– You will see it when you are there, some of you have already been there. You will see young women, young people, standing in front of tanks and saying, ‘I’m not leaving. I can stand it, “said Biden.

– Has not changed his mind

This remark came shortly after Biden had spoken of the Ukrainians’ courageous defense of their own country in the face of the Russian invasion.

Thus, it could be interpreted that Biden spoke to the American soldiers as if they were entering the war-torn country. It is in direct conflict with the United States and NATO’s line not to get involved in the war.

A White House source said shortly afterwards New York Post that Biden has not changed his view of American involvement.

“The president has been clear that we will not send American forces to Ukraine, and he has not changed his view on this,” a spokesman for the president told the American newspaper.

Talked about the son

The American president landed on Friday afternoon in the Polish city of Rzeszow, near the border with Ukraine, where some American soldiers are stationed. He is from the Belgian capital Brussels, where he attended summits in NATO, the EU and the G7 on Thursday.

The visit to Poland is the US president’s second stop on his European tour. Biden landed on Friday in Rzeszów, near the border with Ukraine

Here he visited, among other things, a barber and a canteen established for the soldiers, where he himself took the initiative to sit down and eat pizza with the soldiers.

He also shared a story about his late son Beau Biden, who used his mother’s original surname when he was stationed in Baghdad so as not to attract attention.

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– Finest in the world

He also boasted of the American soldiers.

– You are the finest fighting force in the world, and there is no exaggeration, Biden said before he sat down on a folding chair with the soldiers.

On Saturday, he will spend in Warsaw with, among others, Polish President Andrzej Duda. Duda was supposed to welcome Biden when he landed in Rzeszow, but because his plane had to return to Warsaw due to technical problems, he was delayed.

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