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Biden may withdraw from the presidential election in favor of another candidate – Der Spiegel

Monday, May 6, 2024 1:20 p.m

Meet Obama

President of the U.S.A Joe Biden may withdraw his candidacy from the election race in the summer and offer to nominate the wife of the former head of the White House Barack Obama instead – Michelle Obama.

This is reported The mirror citing own sources.

It is noted that the Democratic Party is considering the possibility that Biden may announce the withdrawal of his candidacy in August 2024 at the party convention in Chicago.

According to the publication, Michelle Obama has already been included in the list of potential candidates for whom public hearings are being held.

“The idea of ​​a female president appeals to many Americans,” notes Der Spiegel.

The article also says that one of the reasons for Biden’s possible decision is age:

  • Two-thirds of Americans think he is too old to lead the country for another four years.
  • At the same time, many Americans are convinced that former President Donald Trump should not lead the White House again, because he is also elderly.

The Democratic Party believes that the numerous court cases against Trump can also affect the preferences of voters.


  • President Biden is increasingly showing signs of various physical weaknesses.
  • In particular, his team stubbornly avoids holding a televised debate between Trump and Biden, so that the population can already assess the real level of their physical and mental state (a number of US publications proposed such a debate).
  • It was also previously reported that Biden is the only Democratic candidate that Trump has a chance of winning. Apparently, these are the results of some polls of US citizens.
  • Barack Obama was president of the United States when Putin annexed the Ukrainian Crimea.
  • Biden was president of the United States when Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine
  • Some believe that Democrats in the White House are much more beneficial to Putin than Republicans
  • In the USA, there is a whole conspiracy theory that insists that Michelle Obama is a transgender man. Her supporters call Michelle Obama “Big Mike”

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