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Biden invited Vucic to “hold Russia to account” for Ukraine together

Serbia is dependent on the EU and cannot move forward alone, so there are hardly any alternative ways of development, the Serbian president said

US President Joe Biden, in his congratulation on the national holiday of Serbia (February 15 – Serbian Statehood Day), invited Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to “hold Russia to account” for the events in Ukraine. it says “today”.

“Over the past few years, Serbia and the United States have worked together to diversify energy sources and strengthen economic cooperation, creating a better future for our citizens. Together, we must continue to support the people of Ukraine and hold Russia accountable for its unjust and unjustified war against Ukraine,” reads the congratulatory cable from the US president.

“In the coming year, the United States will continue to support Serbia’s path to EU accession and the EU-led normalization dialogue with Kosovo. We welcome your support for the EU’s proposal for normalization of relations, which will contribute to the creation of a peaceful and prosperous future for the region,” the announcement also says.

Vucic announced that Serbia will soon introduce anti-Russian sanctions

Serbia is dependent on the EU and cannot move forward alone, so there are hardly any alternative ways to develop the country outside the EU. This was stated by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday, at the signing of an agreement for assistance from Brussels in the energy sector in the amount of 165 million euros.

Vucic noted that sometimes he gives a sharp reaction to the actions of the EU, but this does not exclude the fact that the union is the one that “moves Serbia forward and nurtures, gives jobs to young people and brings them a future”.

Earlier, President Aleksandar Vucic directly stated that Belgard would soon have to impose sanctions on the Kremlin:

“Serbia will have to impose sanctions against Russia due to strong pressure from the West. The moment will soon come when Belgrade will be forced to do this,” the head of state said in an interview with Serbian TV Prva

For his part, the Russian ambassador to Serbia noted that Belgrade is facing pressure from the EU, and that Serbia’s behavior can be called heroic.

Translation and editing: BLITZ!

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