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Biden, “China will eat our lunch the day after Xi Jinping call”

Shortly after the inauguration of Joe Biden’s US administration, the war between the United States and China has continued. President Biden spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time since taking office on the 10th (local time). During the two-hour call, the two leaders did not back down on key issues between the two countries.

○ Fight for 2 hours over sensitive issues

In a statement issued shortly after the call, the White House said, “President Biden expressed fundamental concerns about China’s coercive and unfair economic practices, the crackdown of Hong Kong, human rights violations in Xinjiang and self-righteous actions in regions including Taiwan.” In the first call, it not only brought out Hong Kong, Taiwan, and kidney problems, which China considers sensitive, but also used expressions such as’coercive’ and’self-righteousness’.

President Biden mentioned the Chinese issue at a meeting with some senators at the White House on the 11th the day after the call, saying, “If we don’t act, they will eat our lunch.” This expression is commonly used in the United States to mean’the opponent beats us away’.

The Chinese side slightly lowered the level of expression in the announcement after the talks between the leaders, as if considering the possibility of improving relations with the US in the future. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “Chief Xi has cited the recovery and development of US-China relations as the most important event of international relations for more than half a century. He said that despite the twists and turns and difficulties (the US-China relations) have achieved great results and developed happily.” “The two leaders are expected to see the currency as a positive signal that closely links common interests today,” he said. However, Xi confronted the issues related to Taiwan and Hong Kong, saying, “It is China’s internal affairs, and China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is a problem,” and “the US side should respect China’s core interests and act carefully.” “The US and China should accurately grasp each other’s policy intentions to avoid misjudgments,” he pressured the US. The two leaders reiterated their intention to cooperate on issues of common interest, such as pandemic (pandemic) and climate change, but that they would not make any concessions on sensitive issues.

○ “No return to the old engagement policy used by China

Regarding this call between the leaders of the United States, China and China, Yu Mao Chun, a researcher at Hudson Research Institute, said, “It is good for the United States to resume high-level communication with China, but we should not go back to the old ways of inclusion.” Warned. The researcher above is a Chinese expert who is evaluated as a key designer of the public hardline policy of the Donald Trump administration. He served as chief advisor for Chinese policy to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and is evaluated as the person behind the command of the basic framework, detailed strategies, and tactics of hardline policy toward China. In a telephone interview with Bonbo on the 12th, the above researcher pointed out that “the US and China have expressed their intention to cooperate on issues such as climate change, but there are many issues we need to cooperate with China besides climate change.” Trade imbalances, the takeover of intellectual property rights, and non-compliance of sanctions against North Korea are areas where China should seriously engage and cooperate. “We were so obsessed with’Inclusion for Inclusion’ in our relationship with China from some day,” he said. “The Trump administration saw that China was trying to use or play around with the United States in the name of an inclusion policy and stopped it.” did.

He said, “The threat from China is not only the US, East Asia, and the Indo-Pacific, but a global challenge that the world faces together.” “China is dominant in all directions in the global communication network, cyberspace, ocean, and space sectors. It shows a clear ambition to exercise.”

Responding to some arguments that the US mass strategy should be made in the long term to replace President Xi’s regime, he said, “The problem in China is not solved by Xi Jinping alone. It is China’s Communist Party system that creates “.

Washington = Jeongeun Lee [email protected]Go to reporter page> / New York = Yoo Jae-dong / Beijing = Kim Ki-yong, correspondent

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