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Biden and Trump rally their support on the eve of the crucial mid-term elections

November 7, 2022 10:23 pm

The mid-term race is entering its final phase as the campaign concludes on Monday, on the eve of a date that could sink Joe Biden’s presidency, erode Western support for Ukraine, and even pave the way for Ukraine’s return to power. former President Donald Trump.

About 40 million Americans voted early, knowing polling stations open on Tuesday.

In an extraordinary move, Twitter’s new owner, billionaire Elon Musk, on Monday called on voters in the United States to support Republican candidates.

“Power sharing limits the worst abuses that can result from bipartisanship, so I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, as the president is a Democrat,” Musk, who has 114 million Twitter followers, said in a tweet.

Meanwhile, Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigogine acknowledged on Monday that Russia is trying to influence the results.

“We have intervened, we are doing it and will continue to do so,” said Prigogine. With attention and meticulousness, in a localized way, in our own way “.

Prigogine is subject to US and European sanctions and has been accused for several years of interfering in US elections, particularly the 2016 presidential election that brought Trump to power.

In his latest statements, Biden warned that American democracy is at stake and that the Democratic president will end his campaigns in support of the party’s candidates during a rally near Baltimore on Monday.

In contrast, the Republican billionaire attends Monday’s meeting in Ohio, an industrial state.

Opinion polls show that Republicans are heading towards the majority in the House of Representatives, with the increasingly far-right party trying to block Biden’s projects with massive investigations and opposition to his spending plans.

Republican Kevin McCarthy, who is likely to lead the House of Representatives, hasn’t ruled out starting measures to impeach Biden.

Source: agencies