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Biden Administration to Deliver Verdict on Gaza Airstrikes and Aid Restrictions, Facing Pressure Over Military Support for Israel

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Facing International Scrutiny: U.S. Decision on Gaza Airstrikes and Aid Restrictions

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The Biden administration will soon make an unprecedented decision on whether the airstrikes on Gaza and the restrictions on the delivery of aid conducted by close ally Israel have violated international and U.S. laws protecting civilians during armed conflicts.

Pressure on President Joe Biden

A negative verdict against Israel would intensify pressure on President Joe Biden to limit the provision of weapons and funding to Israel’s military. The administration has already taken steps in that direction, recently pausing a shipment of 3,500 bombs in light of Israel’s planned offensive on Rafah, a densely populated city in southern Gaza.

Agreement and Congressional Mandate

In February, at the insistence of Democrats in Congress, the administration agreed to a negotiated agreement that requires an assessment of whether Israeli forces in Gaza have used U.S.-provided weapons and military assistance in a lawful manner. This agreement also stipulates that the administration must report to Congress on any arbitrary denial, restriction, or impede of U.S.-supported humanitarian aid into Gaza.

In accordance with this agreement, the U.S. State Department is now compelled to deliver its verdict on the potential violations of international and U.S. laws before the approaching deadline, unless further delays occur.

Potential Impacts

Amidst ongoing cease-fire negotiations and impending Israeli military offensive on Rafah, the U.S. decision carries significant implications for the course of Israel’s war and the level of support it receives from the American public. The situation poses broader questions within the Biden administration and Congress regarding the appropriate response to grave human rights violations committed by countries receiving U.S. military support.

Political Perspectives

Democratic and Republican lawmakers have diverging views on the decision. While some argue that American interests should outweigh human rights concerns, others assert that addressing human rights violations is an obligation.

Israel’s Importance to the U.S.

Israel remains the largest recipient of U.S. security assistance, and its military engagement in Gaza has sparked protests and challenges for President Biden both domestically and internationally. The administration’s assessment must be perceived as grounded in objective evaluation of facts and the law, separate from geopolitical considerations.

Focus on Human Rights

Human rights groups have long accused Israeli security forces of committing abuses against Palestinians, with inadequate accountability for those responsible. Israel contends that it adheres to U.S. and international law, and it justifies its offensive as necessary to address the perceived existential threat posed by Hamas.

Narrowing Alternatives

As the crisis persists, the Biden administration has shifted its public stance on Israel’s conduct, acknowledging the negative impact of the ongoing conflict and signaling a potential reassessment of military aid. Previous administrations have been accused of turning a blind eye to alleged abuses, raising concerns over a double standard. Congress’ demand for a public assessment of Israel’s compliance with military support conditions presents a critical moment to address these concerns.

Implications of the Verdict

A negative assessment of Israel’s conduct under the established agreement would increase the pressure on President Biden to consider the suspension of military aid. Influential experts and rights groups argue that Israeli strikes have caused disproportionate civilian casualties, exceeding the bounds of proportionality. Israel’s rationale of Hamas’ tactics and hiding in civilian areas has been questioned.

Disclaimer: This article is based on publicly available information and the opinion of the writer. It does not reflect the views or stance of the newspaper and is intended for informative purposes only.

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