The Freiburg bicycle designer Peter Denk is considered a technology visionary, carbon pioneer and expert in the development of mountain bike kinematics. Denk has been designing bikes for the world’s biggest brands, including Cannondale and Scott, for three decades and has been working exclusively for Specialized since 2014.
He made the most recent headlines with a monetary donation of at least 300,000 euros to the so-called “Last Generation”. He doesn’t like their actions at all. In an interview with BIKE, he explains why, for him, there was currently no better alternative in the fight against climate change.
BIKE: Peter, you donated a total of 300,000 euros to the so-called “Last Generation”. How do people react to the campaign?
PETER DENK: Many of my friends said: Oh dear, now you’re getting a lot of hate mail. But it wasn’t like that. I received a lot of encouragement. Apparently many people think like me: they don’t like what the last generation is doing, but no one can think of anything better.
But hate mail probably didn’t stop there, right?
I got that too, especially through Facebook. Interestingly, all but a few of the hate comments were fake accounts: no photo, no friends, no data. So some nerds or fossil lobbyists.
The so-called “last generation” also includes climate adhesives. You yourself say that you condemn such sticking actions, yet you finance them. How does that make sense?
Because the last generation is raising awareness of the issue of climate change, that’s what it’s all about for me. This is an act of desperation. We have climate change, and instead of reducing our CO2 emissions, we are increasing them. 2022 was the year with the highest emissions ever*. How sick is that? Soon there will be no turning back. It will be catastrophic: the food supply for the population in Europe will collapse completely. I don’t understand why we still represent the interests of oil sheiks.
Maybe because a lot of people make good money from it?
That’s the way it is. The cheapest energies are by far solar and wind. Why don’t we make Germany the world market leader in sustainable technology? It would easily be possible if the politicians said, let’s do it like this, that’s it!
Back to the climate adhesives. Can climate change be initiated with climate sticker campaigns?
Of course not. But it is food for thought. Look at us, we’re talking about it now. There is just a total inaction in relation to the task. That means we are heading straight for the worst case scenario. But the parties are afraid of not being elected if they are the only party that delivers this uncomfortable truth. The only solution is for the major parties to tackle it together. The CDU must finally take what it likes to call homeland security seriously.
Some claim that the climate stickers are damaging parties that place great emphasis on climate protection.
It is clear that climate-conscious parties are now attracting a lot of hate. However, the conservative parties must finally stop pursuing a policy that gives oil companies billions in profits in the short term, but is extremely damaging to our economy and society in the medium term. There is no oil in Germany.
You’ve been working in the bike industry for years – are there areas where bike manufacturers could be pioneers?
In general, they are already part of the solution to the problem: getting around on an e-bike or bicycle is progress in itself. Nevertheless, we also have to ensure that we produce CO2-neutrally in the future. There will come a point in five years at the latest that there will be alternatives in bike shops. Then you have the choice: There is the bike from brand X and the bike from brand Y. I like both more or less – but bike X is sustainably produced. Sustainable products will boom. I suspect there will be a revival of aluminum frames made from recycled aluminum. And of course we need green carbon fiber made with solar, wind and hydropower as soon as possible.
Many new products on the market sound like greenwashing. Shouldn’t you use products you’ve already purchased for longer – like the US bike brand Trek, which refurbishes old bikes?
In my opinion this is a misconception. The oil lobby wants to take away our desire for sustainability with precisely these arguments for abandonment.
I can’t understand that, a bike that I use for 30 years will always be more sustainable than if I buy a new bike every five years.
Yes, it will always be better, but you won’t be able to stop climate change. We have to change our energy supply. We have to make this bike, whether it’s needed for five years or 30, with green energy.
You are considered a visionary in the cycling industry and generally have a lot of ideas. Are you interested in going into politics?
No. My job is to work as an engineer, to finance certain things, and maybe to give food for thought. Why are we running into this catastrophe with our eyes wide open? And why do we represent the interests of oil companies and oil sheiks?
We have a green economics minister, Robert Habeck.
True. Unfortunately, politics is influenced by hundreds of oil lobbyists. Electric cars, heat pumps and so on – the same untrue counterarguments always come up. The gas lobby has run a campaign for an absurdly high amount to raise awareness against heat pumps. It’s the richest industry in the world, and now we want to question its business model.
Back to the bicycle industry: What needs to change?
I believe the next step in the bicycle industry will be us using recycled aluminum and sustainable energy. A lot is happening with bicycle tires, and if we also produce the gear components with CO2-free energy, that would be a big step forward.
Last question: You are one of the most successful bike designers. How much does it hurt Peter Denk when he donates 300,000 euros?
Anyone who thinks I’ll pay for this from petty cash is mistaken. 300,000 euros is a lot of money for me. This is my privately saved assets. But I see it as absolutely necessary and as an investment in the future, including that of my son.
* Note: Carbon dioxide emissions in Germany fell by 15 million tons or around 1.9% to 666 million tons in 2022 compared to 2021. Compared to 1990, carbon dioxide emissions have fallen by 36.8%. However, a new record was achieved worldwide. Source:
2023-10-30 23:46:46
#Interview #Peter #Denk #Specialized #engineer #donates #money #Generation